Scripts included with Derby The scripts are located in the /bin directory. Derbyscriptsscriptsin Derbydblook scriptin Derby ij scriptin DerbysetEmbeddedCP scriptin Derbysysinfo scriptin DerbyNetworkServerControl scriptin DerbysetNetworkClientCP scriptin DerbystartNetworkServer scriptin DerbystopNetworkServer scriptin Derbyscriptsdblook scriptsijscriptssetEmbeddedCP scriptssysinfoscriptsNetworkServerControl scriptssetNetworkClientCPscriptsstartNetworkServer scriptsstopNetworkServer

The complete list of scripts that are included with Derby are:

  • bin/dblook

    Runs the dblook tool.

  • bin/ij

    Starts the ij tool.

  • bin/NetworkServerControl

    Runs NetworkServerControl.

  • bin/setEmbeddedCP

    Puts all of the libraries for an embedded environment in the classpath.

  • bin/setNetworkClientCP

    Puts the libraries needed to connect to the Network Server into the classpath.

  • bin/setNetworkServerCP

    Puts the libraries needed to start the Network Server into the classpath.

  • bin/startNetworkServer

    Starts the Network Server on the local machine.

  • bin/stopNetworkServer

    Stops the Network Server on the local machine.

  • bin/sysinfo

    Runs the sysinfo tool.