Examples of bulk import and export

All examples in this section are run using the ij utility.

The following example shows how to import data into the staff table in a sample database from the myfile.del file.

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE (null,'staff','myfile.del',null,null, null,0);

The following example shows how to import data into the staff table in a sample database from a delimited data file myfile.del. This example defines the percentage character (%) as the string delimiter, and a semicolon as the column delimiter.

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE (null,'staff','c:\output\myfile.del',';','%', null,0);

The following example shows how to export data from the staff table in a sample database to the file myfile.del.

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE (null,'staff','myfile.del',null,null,null);

The following example shows how to export employee data in department 20 from the staff table in a sample database to the file awards.del.

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY ('select * from staff where dept=20', 'c:\output\awards.del',null,null,null);

The following example shows how to export data from the staff table to a delimited data file myfile.del with the percentage character (%) as the character delimiter, and a semicolon as the column delimiter from the staff table.

CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE (null,'staff','c:\output\myfile.del',';','%', null);