ij.database ij.database

Creates a connection with a generated name to the given database connection URL when ij starts up, thus creating an initial connection (with a generated name) for the ij session. (If you have specified an ij.protocol, you can use a shortened form of the URL.) After it boots, ij displays the generated name of the connection made with this property.

Syntax ij.database=databaseConnectionURL

The databaseConnectionURL is not a string; do not enclose it in quotation marks.

Example java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: -Dij.connection.sample1=sample -Dij.connection.anotherConn=anotherDB -Dij.database=wombat;create=true org.apache.derby.tools.ij ij version 10.1 CONNECTION2* - jdbc:derby:wombat;create=true ANOTHERCONN - jdbc:derby:anotherDB SAMPLE1 - jdbc:derby:sample * = current connection ij(CONNECTION2)>