Database connection URLs

A JDBC URL provides a way of identifying a database so that the appropriate driver recognizes it and connects to it. In the documents, a JDBC URL is referred to as a database connection URL.

After the driver is loaded, an application must specify the correct database connection URL to connect to a specific database. The database connection URL allows you to accomplish tasks other than simply connecting. For more information about the database connection URLs, see the .

A JDBC URL always starts with jdbc:. After that, the format for the database connection URL depends on the JDBC driver.

Here is the format for the database connection URL for connecting to an existing database using the embedded driver:

The format for the database connection URL for connecting to an existing database using the Network Client is:

URL attributes can be passed to the Network Client driver by using double quotes (") around the database name portion of the URL, as follows:

The italicized items stand for something the user fills in:

About Protocols

Officially, the portion of the database connection URL called the protocol is jdbc:, just as http:// is a protocol in Web URLs. However, the second portion of the database connection URL (everything between jdbc: and databaseName), which is called the subprotocol, is informally considered part of the protocol. Later in this book you might see references to protocol. Consider protocol to be everything that comes before databaseName.

For complete information about the database connection URL, see the .