Setting up your Java environment PATHsetting

You need to set your PATH environment variable so the JVM and Java applications run correctly. This is extremely important for the success of your installation because the PATH variable enables your operating system to find the appropriate programs from any directory. If you have more than one JVM installed, the JVM you want to use must appear before any of the others in the PATH variable.

To check the PATH environment variable:

In a command window, type the following: java -version If the path is set correctly, you will see a printout telling you the version of your JVM. If the command does not return the correct version of your JVM, set the PATH variable by adding the bin subdirectory of the JVM directory to the beginning of the path.For example, if the directory is C:\JDK1.4, add C:\JDK1.4\bin to the beginning of the path. Repeat step 1 to make sure the PATH environment variable is set correctly.