Set the classpath Classpathsetting

The JVM needs to know the path of every class file needed by your application. The classpath is a list of the class libraries needed by the JVM and other Java applications to run your program. You can set the CLASSPATH environment variable in the operating system either temporarily, permanently, or at run time when you start your Java application and the JVM. If you set the environment variable temporarily, you must set it each time that you open a new command window.

In most development environments, it is best to set the operating system's CLASSPATH environment variable temporarily. provides some scripts to help you set your classpath this way; they are found in the /frameworks/embedded/bin directory or the /frameworks/NetworkServer/bin directory. To set the class path temporarily, run a script every time you open a new command window.

Set your CLASSPATH so that it includes the derby.jar and derbytools.jar files.For example:set CLASSPATH=%%\lib\derby.jar; %%\lib\derbytools.jar;%CLASSPATH% To manually run the sysinfo utility, enter the following in a command window or shell: java To manually run the ij utility and connect to the database: Enter the following in a command window or shell: java ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:<dbname>;create=true';where <dbname> is the name of the database you are connecting to. To exit the ij utility, enter:ij> exit; For more information on running the ij and sysinfo utilities, see the