Database connection URL ProtocolDatabase connection URLsupported protocols within

For the -provided embedded driver, the format for the database connection URL for connecting to a database is this: jdbc:derby:databaseName;URLAttributeswhere:

  • databaseName

    The name of the database that you want to connect to

  • URLAttributes

    One or more of the supported attributes of the database connection URL, such as ;locale=ll_CC or ;create=true.

    For more information, see the .

For the -provided network client driver, the format for the database connection URL for connecting to a database is this: jdbc:derby://<server>[:<port>]/ databaseName[;URLAttributes=<value> [;...]]where the <server> and <port> specify the host name (or IP address) and port number where the server is listening for requests. The URLAttributes can be either embedded or network client attributes. See the for more information on accessing the Network Server by using the network client.