Scripts provided by Derby

provides scripts in the /bin directory. Each script comes in two flavors, one ending in .bat and one ending in .ksh. Here is a complete listing:

  • frameworks/embedded/bin/dblook

    Runs dblook.

  • frameworks/embedded/bin/ij

    Starts ij.

  • frameworks/embedded/bin/setEmbeddedCP

    Puts all the libraries for an embedded environment in the classpath.

  • frameworks/embedded/bin/sysinfo

    Runs sysinfo.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/dblook

    Runs dblook in a Network Server client context.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/ij

    Runs ij in a Network Server client context.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/NetworkServerControl

    Runs NetworkServerControl.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/setNetworkClientCP

    Puts the libraries needed to connect to Network Server into the classpath.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/setNetworkServerCP

    Puts the libraries needed for Network Server into the classpath.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/startNetworkServer

    Starts the Network Server on the local machine.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/stopNetworkServer

    Stops the Network Server on the local machine.

  • frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/sysinfo

    Gets the system information from a running Network Server.