Using the tools and startup utilities

tools include dblook, ij, and sysinfo. utilities include the import, export and database class utilities. The /frameworks/embedded/bin directory contains scripts for running some of the tools and utilities in embedded mode. You can find similar scripts for running tools and utilities for the Network Server in the /frameworks/NetworkServer/bin directory. In discussion of these tools and utilities in embedded mode, the /frameworks/embedded/bin directory is referred to as the /bin directory unless stated otherwise.

The scripts have descriptive names such as sysinfo.bat or ij.ksh. Like the classpath scripts, these scripts end with different extensions depending on your environment. Windows scripts have a .bat extension, while Unix scripts have a .ksh extension. You might need to modify these scripts in order for the tools and utilities to run properly on Windows and Unix platforms.

The following information applies only to UNIX platforms.

In order to use the script files to run the tools and utilities, do the following:

  1. Turn on the execute bit for the script files. For example:chmod +x fileName

    where fileName is any script file with a .ksh extension. This tells the system to execute the commands in the script every time you use it.

  2. Add the /bin directory to your PATH variable. This allows you to use shortened commands to start the tools.

For more information on scripts, see .