Tools and Utilities Guide



About this documentation

  • Purpose of this document
  • Audience
  • How this document is organized
  • What are the Derby tools and utilities?

  • Overview
  • JVM and class path for Derby tools
  • Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, Version 1.3
  • Class path
  • About Derby databases
  • JDBC basics
  • Driver
  • Database connection URLs
  • Tools and localization
  • About locales
  • Database territory
  • Specifying an alternate codeset
  • Formatting display of locale-sensitive data
  • Using ij

  • Starting ij
  • ij properties
  • Getting started with ij
  • Connecting to a Derby database
  • Using ij commands
  • Other uses for ij
  • Running ij scripts
  • ij properties reference

  • Generic tool properties
  • ij.connection.connectionName
  • ij.database
  • ij.driver
  • ij.maximumDisplayWidth
  • ij.outfile
  • ij.protocol
  • ij.protocol.protocolName
  • ij.showErrorCode
  • ij.unicodeEscape
  • ij.URLCheck
  • derby.ui.codeset
  • ij commands and errors reference

  • ij commands
  • Conventions for ij examples
  • ij SQL command behavior
  • Example
  • Absolute
  • After Last
  • Async
  • Autocommit
  • Before First
  • Close
  • Commit
  • Connect
  • Disconnect
  • Driver
  • Elapsedtime
  • Execute
  • Exit
  • First
  • Get Cursor
  • Get Scroll Insensitive Cursor
  • Help
  • Last
  • LocalizedDisplay
  • MaximumDisplayWidth
  • Next
  • Prepare
  • Previous
  • Protocol
  • Readonly
  • Relative
  • Remove
  • Rollback
  • Run
  • Set Connection
  • Show Connections
  • UnicodeEscape
  • Wait For
  • Comment
  • Identifier
  • String
  • ij errors
  • ERROR SQLState
  • Using the bulk import and export procedures

  • Overview
  • Options for running the import and export procedures
  • Requirements and considerations
  • Bulk import and export
  • Bulk-Import
  • Arguments to the import procedure
  • Bulk-Export
  • Arguments to the export procedure
  • Examples of bulk import and export
  • Importing into tables with identity columns
  • Executing import/export procedures from JDBC
  • File format for input and output
  • Treatment of NULLS
  • CODESET values for import/export
  • Storing jar files in a database

  • Adding a Jar File
  • Removing a jar file
  • Replacing a jar file
  • Complete example
  • sysinfo

  • Example
  • Using sysinfo to check the class path
  • dblook

  • Using dblook
  • dblook options
  • Generating the DDL for a database
  • Examples
  • Trademarks


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