Triggers and Exceptions

Exceptions in Triggers Actions

Exceptions raised by triggers have a statement severity; they roll back the statement that caused the trigger to fire.

This rule applies to nested triggers (triggers that are fired by other triggers). If a trigger action raises an exception (and it is not caught), the transaction on the current connection is rolled back to the point before the triggering event. For example, suppose Trigger A causes Trigger B to fire. If Trigger B throws an exception, the current connection is rolled back to the point before to the statement in Trigger A that caused Trigger B to fire. Trigger A is then free to catch the exception thrown by Trigger B and continue with its work. If Trigger A does not throw an exception, the statement that caused Trigger A, as well as any work done in Trigger A, continues until the transaction in the current connection is either committed or rolled back. However, if Trigger A does not catch the exception from Trigger B, it is as if Trigger A had thrown the exception. In that case, the statement that caused Trigger A to fire is rolled back, along with any work done by both of the triggers.

Aborting Statements and Transactions

You might want a trigger action to be able to abort the triggering statement or even the entire transaction. Triggers that use the current connection are not permitted to commit or roll back the connection, so how do you do that? The answer is: have the trigger throw an exception, which is by default a statement-level exception (which rolls back the statement). The application-side code that contains the statement that caused the trigger to fire can then roll back the entire connection if desired. Programming triggers in this respect is no different from programming any database-side JDBC method.

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