Developer's Guide



About This Document

  • Purpose of This Document
  • Audience
  • How This Document Is Organized
  • JDBC Applications and Derby Basics

  • Application Development Overview
  • Derby Embedded Basics
  • Derby JDBC Driver
  • Derby JDBC Database Connection URL
  • Derby System
  • A Derby Database
  • Connecting to Databases
  • Working with the Database Connection URL Attributes
  • After Installing

  • Derby and JVMs
  • Derby Libraries and Class Path
  • UNIX-Specific Issues
  • Configuring File Descriptors
  • Scripts
  • Derby Embedded Basics

  • Embedded Derby JDBC Driver
  • Embedded Derby JDBC Database Connection URL
  • Getting a Nested Connection
  • Starting Derby as an Embedded Database
  • Deploying Derby Applications

  • Deployment Issues
  • Embedded Deployment Application Overview
  • Deployment Cheat Sheets
  • Creating Derby Databases for Read-Only Use
  • Creating and Preparing the Database for Read-Only Use
  • Deploying the Database on the Read-Only Media
  • Transferring Read-Only Databases to Archive (Jar or Zip) Files
  • Accessing a Read-Only Database in a Zip/Jar
  • Accessing Databases-in-a-Jar in the Class Path
  • Databases on Read-Only Media and DatabaseMetaData
  • Loading Classes from a Database
  • Class Loading Overview
  • Create Jar Files for Your Application
  • Add the jar file or files to the database
  • Enable database class loading with a property
  • Code your applications the way you normally would
  • Dynamic Changes to Jar Files or Database Jar Class Path
  • Derby server-side programming

  • Programming Database-Side JDBC Procedures
  • Overview
  • Database-Side JDBC Procedures and Nested Connections
  • Database-Side JDBC Procedures Using Non-Nested Connections
  • Database-Side JDBC Procedures and SQLExceptions
  • User-Defined SQLExceptions
  • Programming Trigger Actions
  • Trigger Action Overview
  • Performing Referential Actions
  • Accessing Before and After Rows
  • Examples
  • Triggers and Exceptions
  • Controlling Derby Application Behavior

  • The JDBC Connection and Transaction Model
  • Connections
  • Transactions
  • SQL and JDBC ResultSet/Cursor Mechanisms
  • Simple Non-Updatable ResultSets
  • Updatable Cursors
  • ResultSets and Auto-Commit
  • Scrolling Insensitive ResultSets
  • Holdable Cursors
  • Locking, Concurrency, and Isolation
  • Isolation Levels and Concurrency
  • Configuring Isolation Levels
  • Lock Granularity
  • Types and Scope of Locks in Derby Systems
  • Deadlocks
  • Working with Multiple Connections to a Single Database
  • Deployment Options and Threading and Connection Modes
  • Multi-User Database Access
  • Multiple Connections from a Single Application
  • Working with Multiple Threads Sharing a Single Connection
  • Pitfalls of Sharing a Connection Among Threads
  • Multi-thread programming tips
  • Threads Sharing a Statement: A Case Study
  • Working with Database Threads in an Embedded Environment
  • Working with Derby SQLExceptions in an Application
  • Information Provided in SQLExceptions
  • Using Derby as a J2EE Resource Manager

  • The Classes Pertaining to Resource Managers
  • How to Use Them
  • Getting a DataSource
  • Shutting Down or Creating a Database
  • Derby and Security

  • Security Overview
  • Features
  • Configuring Security for Your Environment
  • Working with User Authentication
  • Overview
  • Enabling User Authentication
  • Defining Users
  • External Directory Service
  • Built-in Derby Users
  • Properties Summary
  • Programming Applications for Derby User Authentication
  • Users and Authorization Identifiers
  • Authorization Identifiers, User Authentication, and User Authorization
  • User Names and Schemas
  • Exceptions
  • User Authorization
  • Setting User Authorization
  • About Read-Only and Full Access
  • Examples
  • Encrypting Databases on Disk
  • Overview
  • Requirements for Derby Encryption
  • Working with Encryption
  • Signed Jar Files
  • Notes on the Derby Security Features
  • User Authentication and Authorization Examples
  • Client/Server Environment
  • Single-User, Embedded Environment
  • Running Derby under a security manager
  • Granting Permissions to Derby
  • Examples of Java 2 Security Policy Files for embedded Derby
  • Developing Tools and Using Derby with an IDE

  • Offering Connection Choices to the User
  • The DriverPropertyInfo Array
  • Using Derby with IDEs
  • IDEs and Multiple JVMs
  • SQL Tips

  • Retrieving the Database Connection URL
  • Supplying a Parameter Only Once
  • Defining an Identity Column
  • Using Third-Party Tools
  • Tricks of the VALUES Clause
  • Multiple Rows
  • Mapping Column Values to Return Values
  • Creating Empty Queries
  • Localizing Derby

  • SQL Parser Support for Unicode
  • Derby and Standards

  • SQL99
  • Dynamic SQL
  • Cursors
  • Information Schema
  • Transactions
  • Stored routines and PSM
  • Calling functions and procedures
  • Unique constraints and nulls
  • NOT NULL characteristic
  • Fewer reserved keywords
  • DECIMAL max precision
  • CLOB, and BLOB
  • Expressions on LONGs
  • Trademarks


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