GENERATING MAVEN 2 ARTIFACTS FOR APACHE DERBY ============================================= The POMs in the maven2 directory enable you to generate Maven 2 artifacts for Apache Derby. The following software is required for deploying a release: 1. Maven 2 2. GnuPG (for signing the artifacts) 3. ssh/scp (for site deployment) Note that Maven 2 will pull down quite a few required plugins the first time you run it. They will be cached locally, so they are not downloaded again the next time. All commands below are to be executed from the directory 'maven2' within the Derby source code repository. WARNING: The Maven repository is write-once. This means that you have only one chance to deploy artifacts with a given version string. Once they are deployed, you cannot overwrite them. The only way to deprecate a set of deployed artifacts is to deploy a new set of artifacts with a different version string. WARNING: The Apache server has been configured to ban IP addresses if too many unsuccessful login attempts are made within a short time period. For this reason it is important that you test the SSH configuration before you run the Maven deploy step. The current Maven setup requires that issuing "ssh" logs you into the server without prompting for a password. See instructions below. If your IP gets banned, send a message to infrastructure at apache dot org. Include your IP address in the mail. Short description of the required steps: a) Generate the Derby jar files. For releases, generate the insane jars. You can override which jars to use with the property 'sanity' in the top-level POM. The jars are expected to be found in 'jars/[in]sane' relative to the checked out code repository. b) Specify required information for one or all of the following sub-steps. To successfully generate and deploy release artifacts, all of these must be specified: - The Derby release version. The version must be specified in all POMs. Compile and execute the Java program SetDerbyVersion, found in the 'maven2' directory, i.e.: javac SetDerbyVersion && java -cp . SetDerbyVersion Alternatively, use search and replace (i.e. Perl or sed) - make sure you don't replace version tags that aren't supposed to be modified. Make sure you diff the POMs to verify the changes. Note that the Java program performs some extra sanity checks. - Passphrase for your GPG signing key. Required for step (c) and (d). See the top-level POM for details, brief instructions in (c). - User credentials for deployment. Required for step (d). Several options for how to configure Maven seem to exist, but only one of them has been reported to work for most scenarios. If your system doesn't have executables called 'ssh' and 'scp', then please figure out how to successfully specify alternative executables... The local username will be used when accessing the Apache server using the external SSH commands. If your local username isn't the same as your Apache username, you must configure SSH to use the correct username. On Unix systems, this is done by adding the following to '~/.ssh/config' (the host name pattern must match the host specified under the repository tag in the top-level POM): Host User your_apache_username Again, configuring Maven to use a different username should be possible, but attempts to do so have failed so far. c) 'mvn clean install' Generates the artifacts, uses GnuPG to generate signatures for the artifacts, and installs the artifacts in the local repository. You are required to provide your private key and the passphrase to GnuPG. Using a passphrase agent is recommended, but you can also specify it on the command line when invoking Maven with -Dgpg.passphrase=PASSPHRASE. WARNING: Do not specify your passphrase in the POM that is deployed on the Maven repositories! The local repository is typically found in '~/.m2/repository/', and the Derby artifacts are located under 'org/apache/derby/'. The clean target is included to avoid unintentionally installing/deploying artifacts not supposed to be deployed. If you just want to build the artifacts, use 'mvn package' or 'mvn verify'. The former will generate the artifact jars, the latter will additionally generate/include the POMs to be deployed and the signatures. NOTE: Do not run 'mvn package|verify install', that is to combine either package or verify with install, as this causes the signatures of the artifacts to be signed. This shows as files like './engine/target/derby-trunk-alpha.jar.asc.asc'. d) 'mvn deploy' or 'mvn clean deploy' Deploys the artifacts, including signatures and checksum files, to the Apache Maven 2 repository. The files will then be distributed to mirrors. NOTE: This step has been reported to not work when using username and password authentication. Unless you prefer to deploy manually, use a public key to log into the remote host ( If your umask is set to something else than 0002 (the default is 0022), you should log into the Apache server and grant write permission to the group owner (which should be 'apcvs'). Alternatively, use this SSH command: ssh "find /www/ -user \$USER -exec chmod g+w {} \;" To verify the group ownership and permissions, run the two following SSH commands. If everything is set correctly, they should return no file names. ssh "find /www/ \! -group apcvs" ssh "find /www/ \! -perm -g+w" For each project, the following files should be found in the various 'maven2/[project]/target' directories after 'verify' or 'install': - ARTIFACT-VERSION.jar - ARTIFACT-VERSION.jar.asc - ARTIFACT-VERSION.pom - ARTIFACT-VERSION.pom.asc When these are deployed, or installed locally, checksum files (a md5 and a sha1 file for each artifact) will be generated by Maven. Check your local repository to confirm this (i.e. '~/.m2/repository'). The 'derbywar' project will have a war file instead of a jar file. Some time after you have deployed the artifacts to the Apache staging repository (happens when you run 'mvn deploy'), they should appear in the central Maven repository. Try one of these to confirm that your artifacts are available: Release history for Maven 2 artifacts ===================================== The list below shows the Apache Derby artifacts published by the Apache Derby community. The dates are when the artifacts were written to the central Maven repository ( or 2009-10-07 OK 2009-08-26 BROKEN An error in all the POMs made these artifacts unusable (DERBY-4390). Use version instead.