Release Notes for Derby

These notes describe the difference between Derby release and the preceding release


Derby is a pure Java relational database engine using standard SQL and JDBC as its APIs.

Derby functionality includes:

New Features

This is a feature release. The following new features were added:

Bug Fixes

The following issues are addressed by Derby release These issues are not addressed in the preceding release.

Issue IdDescription
DERBY-3603'IN' clause ignores valid results, incorrect qualifier handling suspected
DERBY-3589AllocPage.createPage() doesn't initialize minimumRecordSize correctly
DERBY-3571LOB locators are not released if the LOB columns are not accessed by the client
DERBY-3538NullPointerException during execution for query with LEFT OUTER JOIN whose inner table selects all constants.
DERBY-3458dblook fails on TERRITORY_BASED databases
DERBY-3442Reference Manual doesn't state limit on number of identity columns
DERBY-3430Inconsistency in JDBC autogen APIs between Connection.prepareStatement(...) and Statement.execute(...)
DERBY-3379"No Current connection" on PooledConnection.getConnection() if pooled connection is reused during connectionClosed processing
DERBY-3373SQL "distinct" and "order by" needed together
DERBY-3366Various formatting erros in L10N property files
DERBY-3354Select from large lob table with embedded gives OutOfMemoryError
DERBY-3352truncateTable crashed, Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
DERBY-3350SQL CAST always marks its type as nullable even if the expression to be cast is not nullable
DERBY-3347ERROR XSDB3: Container information cannot change once written
DERBY-3343Subsequent calls to PreparedStatement cause SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException on column that is "Generated always"
DERBY-3322Server guide refers to phantom property in template policy file for the Network Server
DERBY-3321NullPointerException for 'NOT EXISTS' with nested subquery
DERBY-3316Leak in client if ResultSet not closed
DERBY-3308Broken synchronization for event handling in ClientPooledConnection40
DERBY-3303ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at
DERBY-3302NullPointerException during recovery of database with territory-based collation
DERBY-3301Incorrect result from query with nested EXIST
DERBY-3299Uniqueness violation error (23505) occurs after dropping a PK constraint if there exists a foreign key on the same columns.
DERBY-3298Getting Started manual needs clearer introduction to connection URL
DERBY-3288wrong query result in presence of a unique index
DERBY-3279Derby 10.3.X ignores ORDER BY DESC when target column has an index and is used in an OR clause or an IN list.
DERBY-3278Developer's Guide topic cdevdvlp51654 has duplicate information on connection URL
DERBY-3274Developer's Guide has duplicate information on database connections
DERBY-3262Documentation is missing cross-references for connection URL attributes
DERBY-3260NullPointerException caused by race condition in GenericActivationHolder
DERBY-3257SELECT with HAVING clause containing OR conditional incorrectly return 1 row - should return 2 rows - works correctly with 10.2 DB
DERBY-3253NullPointer Exception (NPE) from query with IN predicate containing two values and joining a view with a large table. ERROR 38000: The exception 'java.lang.NullPointerException' was thrown while evaluating an expression.
DERBY-3247Activation for a dynamic ResultSet created from an Prepared/CallableStatement will not be closed until garbage collection indicates it is unused to the LCC and the LCC closes it
DERBY-3244NullPointerException in ....B2IRowLocking3.searchLeftAndLockPreviousKey
DERBY-3243(jdbc net client) exception during normal iteration through "ResultSet" of "select * from t"
DERBY-3238When table contains large LOB values (> ~32K) trigger execution fails for that row with ERROR XCL30: An IOException was thrown when reading a 'BLOB'
DERBY-3231Sorting on COUNT with OR and GROUP BY delivers wrong results.
DERBY-3230Selecting data from a Table raises Error XN008: Query processing has been terminated due to an error on the server
DERBY-3229testSysinfoLocale fails if derbyTools.jar is first in the classpath and don't mask out sign bits
DERBY-3221"java.sql.SQLException: The conglomerate (-5) requested does not exist." from Derby embedded within Eclipse 3.3 and RAD 7.0
DERBY-3215Potential NullPointerException in CachedPage class
DERBY-3214Optimizer can see negative cost estimates when pulling Optimizables from the join order.
DERBY-3198Using setQueryTimeout will leak sections
DERBY-3168Reference Manual lacks topics on trace-related connection URL attributes
DERBY-3160SYSCS_GET_USER_ACCESS incorrectly treats the passed in user name as a SQL identifier and thus can reports the wrong user information
DERBY-3094Grouping of expressions causes NullPointerException
DERBY-3084CREATE SCHEMA in refman does not contain material on restrictions in sqlAuthorization mode
DERBY-3079Database name is printed twice in derby.log on rollbacks when logStatementText is enabled
DERBY-3060Network Server incorrectly assumes that all SQLExceptions with error code 08004 are caused by an authentication failure.
DERBY-3044Typos in documentation
DERBY-3023Different result rows depending on the sequence of INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN
DERBY-3001SYSTABLES documentation for TABLETYPE should include 'A' (Synonym)
DERBY-2983The ResultSet returned by DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions() does not contain a required column named FUNCTION_TYPE.
DERBY-2939Log file is flushed every time a log buffer gets full
DERBY-2935DDMReader.readLengthAndCodePoint() decodes long integer incorrectly
DERBY-2815ij doesn't start with J2ME / JSR169 / weme6.1 because attempting to find java.sql.Driver if ij.protocol property is specified
DERBY-2733ij rolls through NullPointerException (NPE) with J2ME/JSR169/WEME 6.1.
DERBY-2683tools and utilities guide: ij.URLCheck's list of checked attributes is not correct
DERBY-2680Reference manual section "Setting attributes.." lacks upgrade=true attribute
DERBY-2592Wrong description of IndexName field in public JavaDoc for LockTable
DERBY-2585Mistaken description in page of CLOB
DERBY-2559recreating a datasource using javax.naming.Reference from a ClientDataSource40 fails
DERBY-2351ORDER BY with expression with distinct in the select list returns incorrect result
DERBY-2270'18 ' (18 followed by four blanks) needs three more blanks
DERBY-2142NullPointerException while using XAConnection/PooledConnection in a heavily contended multithreaded scenario
DERBY-2128The word 'class' appears twice for the message SIF01.V
DERBY-1823Derby Developer's Guide - Issues w/ User authentication and authorization extended examples section/paragraph
DERBY-1585derbylang/procedureInTrigger: not able to create trigger due to an open ResultSet
DERBY-1573Unsafe synchronization in NetworkServerControlImpl


Compared with the previous release (, Derby release introduces the following new features and incompatibilities. These merit your special attention.

Note for DERBY-3585

Summary of Change

Shutting down the Network Server now supports user authentication, and in fact requires credentials when authentication is enabled.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change

Previously, a network server running with user authentication didn't check for user credentials for server shutdown. Any client could shut down the server by calling NetworkServerControl with a shutdown command-line argument or by invoking the shutdown() method (provided the shutdown was initiated on the host running the server). While this generated a console warning (Connection refused : Invalid authentication.), the server shutdown proceeded and could also result in open databases not being properly closed.

Now, class NetworkServerControl supports user and password information as command-line and constructor arguments. When running a network server with user authentication, a server shutdown now requires user credentials; if the user authentication check fails, the client sees an authentication error and the running server remains intact. Note that Derby does not yet restrict the shutdown privilege to specific users: the server can be shut down by any user on the server machine who presents valid credentials.

In detail, to provide user credentials class org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl now supports new shutdown command-line options:

  • -user <username>
  • -password <password>
as well as two additional constructors with new parameters:
  • NetworkServerControl(String userName, String password)
  • NetworkServerControl(InetAddress address, int portNumber, String userName, String password)
These command-line options or constructor arguments must be used to enable a NetworkServerControl instance to shutdown a network server running with user authentication.

Incompatibilities with Previous Release

If running a network server without user authentication (the default) no command-line or API incompatibilities will be experienced.

However, some incompatibilities were introduced if running a network server with user authentication:

  1. The NetworkServerControl command-line usage changes for shutting down a sever:
    java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl shutdown
    now results in an exception:
    08004:Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason: Invalid authentication.

    The remedy is to provide credentials:

    java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl shutdown -user <username> -password <password>

  2. The NetworkServerControl API usage to programatically shutdown a server changes:
    NetworkServerControl nsc = new NetworkServerControl();
    results in a java.sql.SQLException:
    Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason: Invalid authentication.

    The remedy is provide credentials to the NetworkServerControl constructor:

    NetworkServerControl nsc = new NetworkServerControl(user, password);

  3. Note that there is an edge case
    NetworkServerControl nsc = new NetworkServerControl();
    which currently fails with the SQLException shown above.

    A solution is to create the initial NetworkServerControl instance with user credentials:

    NetworkServerControl nscauth = new NetworkServerControl(user, password);
    Another option is to create a second NetworkServerControl instance with user credential arguments for the purpose of server shutdown:
    NetworkServerControl nsc = new NetworkServerControl();
    NetworkServerControl nscauth = new NetworkServerControl(user, password);

  4. If users have their own tests that use Derby's junit test framework, they'll have to use a test decorator that takes user credential arguments.

Rationale for Change

The previous behavior represented a security issue, because any client could shut down a network server running with user authentication from the same host without needing to provide user credentials.

Application Changes Required

Application code and scripts will need to be adjusted to provide user credentials for shutting down a network server that runs with user authentication.

Note for DERBY-3460

Summary of Change

The two following reserved keywords are introduced: NONE and CURRENT_ROLE.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change

If an application attempts to use one of these keywords, a syntax error (SQL state 42X01) is raised.

Incompatibilities with Previous Release

These two keywords were not previously reserved by Derby, and applications that rely on using them will break.

Rationale for Change

This change complies with the SQL standard and prepares Derby for supporting SQL roles in a future release.

Application Changes Required

Such user identifiers must be renamed so that they are not reserved keywords. See the Derby Reference Manual section titled "SQL Reserved Words".

Note for DERBY-3301

Summary of Change

Queries with nested EXIST, ANY or IN clauses now return correct results.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change

In the previous release, applications that executed SQL statements containing nested EXISTS, ANY or IN clauses could see fewer rows than those satisfying the query. In particular, rows that had the same value for one of the selected columns as another row might not have been returned.

Incompatibilities with Previous Release


Rationale for Change

The previous behavior violated the ANSI SQL standard. The new behavior is correct.

Application Changes Required

Typically none, but applications must handle that the correct results are now returned.

Note for DERBY-3026

Summary of Change

The frameworks directory (and its contents) has been removed.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change

Users and applications that rely on any of the scripts or HTML files in the frameworks directory (which has been deprecated since the release) or any of its subdirectories will no longer be able to find those files in the same location.

Incompatibilities with Previous Release

Applications or commands referencing files in the frameworks directory will fail.

Rationale for Change

In the release, new and improved scripts were added in a new bin directory, intended to replace the scripts in the frameworks directory. The new scripts follow Apache conventions, and all scripts are located in a single directory, making them easier to find. Removing the old and deprecated scripts and the frameworks directory itself will eliminate a potential source of confusion and annoyance among users.

The frameworks directory has been deprecated since the release, and has not been maintained since then. The release notes announced the deprecation of the scripts in the frameworks directory, and an additional file (frameworks.DEPRECATED.txt) was added in the top-level directory of the release, with the purpose of alerting users about this change. A warning message was also added to the scripts in the frameworks directory at the same time.

Application Changes Required

All references to the frameworks directory or its contents must be updated. The scripts in the bin directory may be used instead of the old scripts.

Note for DERBY-3013

Summary of Change

The column default value can now also be specified as CURRENT_USER or SESSION_USER.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change


Incompatibilities with Previous Release


Rationale for Change

Extend Derby's support for standard SQL constructions.

Application Changes Required


Note for DERBY-2351

Summary of Change

An ORDER BY clause of a DISTINCT query which specifies to order by a column which was not in the DISTINCT list is now rejected, because the intent of the query is ambiguous. Previously, Derby instead produced non-distinct results. Also, an ORDER BY clause which specifies a table-name-qualified column alias is now rejected as invalid, where previously it was accepted.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change

New rules for DISTINCT and ORDER BY

Applications which specify certain combinations of SELECT DISTINCT with ORDER BY will now receive an error message, whereas formerly such applications received non-distinct results.

As an example, take the following:

create table person (name varchar(10), age int);
insert into person values ('John', 10);
insert into person values ('John', 30);
insert into person values ('Mary', 20);


The query above is now rejected, with the error message:

ERROR 42879: The ORDER BY clause may not contain column 'AGE', since the query specifies DISTINCT and that column does not appear in the query result.

If the AGE column is included in the DISTINCT list in the above query, there is no ambiguity

New column alias rules

Applications which specify a column alias for a column in the SELECT statement, and which specify an ORDER BY clause which specifies that column alias qualified by the table name, will now receive an error indicating that the ORDER BY clause is invalid.

As an example, take the following:

create table t1 (i int, j int);
select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 order by t1.idcolumn1, t1.idcolumn2;

This query is now rejected, as there is no column named 'idcolumn1' in table 't1'. The error message is:

ERROR 42X04: Column 'T1.IDCOLUMN1' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'T1.IDCOLUMN1' is not a column in the target table.

Valid forms of the query above are:

select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 order by idcolumn1, idcolumn2;


select as idcolumn1, as idcolumn2 from t1 order by,;

Rationale for Change

When the query ambiguously specifies both DISTINCT and ORDER BY, Derby was unsure whether to return the rows properly ordered, but non-distinct, or to return a distinct set of rows, but in an unknown order. Since no clear resolution of the ambiguity could be found, we chose instead to reject the query.

The rules for resolving column references in ORDER BY clauses have been enhanced to consider column aliases and column names more fully. Derby now uses different resolution rules depending on whether the ORDER BY column reference is table.column, or just column:

Application Changes Required

A query which specifies ordering by a non-distinct column should instead include the ORDER BY column in the DISTINCT list, to resolve the ambiguity about which values of that column should be used to distinctly identify the resulting rows.

A query which specifies table-name.alias-name should be rewritten to specify either simply alias-name, or table-name.column-name.

Note for DERBY-2065

Summary of Change

Error code changed for embedded connection when a connection with an open transaction is attempted closed.

Symptoms Seen by Applications Affected by Change

In the previous release, calling Connection.close() on a connection with an open transaction raised an error with error code 25001 with the client driver, whereas the embedded driver raised error code 25000. The embedded driver has now been changed to raise the same error code as the client driver, i.e. 25001, as specified by the SQL standard.

Incompatibilities with Previous Release

Embedded applications that are dependent on the error code ever being "25000" could start failing. Embedded applications that are dependent on the error code never being "25001" could start failing.

Rationale for Change

Harmonize error codes raised by the client and embedded drivers, thereby also making the embedded driver compatible with the SQL standard.

Application Changes Required

Applications that are dependent on the error code must be changed to expect the new code.

Build Environment

Derby release was built using the following environment: