------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 2 CONCURRENT USER TESTS of READ UNCOMMITTED TESTS -- -- each test assumes calling script has set up a writer connection, it is -- expected the calling script(s) will vary the isolation of the writer -- connection to test the interaction of read uncommitted with various isolation -- levels. -- -- overview: -- TEST 0: test RU(read uncommitted) heap read interaction insert/delete/update -- TEST 1: test RU(read uncommitted) heap read interaction insert/delete/update -- TEST 2: test RU(read uncommitted) ddl interaction -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SCRIPT SETUP connect 'wombat' as iso_read_uncommitted; autocommit off; commit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- TEST 0: test RU(read uncommitted) heap read interaction insert/delete/update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- set up set connection iso_read_uncommitted; autocommit off; set isolation read uncommitted; create table test_0 (a int); insert into test_0 values (1); commit; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- read uncommitted should maintain no lock on the row. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; select * from test_0; CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault','1'); get cursor scan_cursor as 'select a from test_0'; call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault', '16'); next scan_cursor; -- WRITER CONNECTION: set connection writer; -- writer should not be blocked. insert into test_0 values (2); -- serializable: update will get table level lock so will be blocked. -- other iso: writer should in no way be blocked by reader. update test_0 set a = 3 where a = 1; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- next in cursor should see the new uncommitted row just inserted (2) set connection iso_read_uncommitted; next scan_cursor; -- full select should see the update and the new row. select * from test_0; -- WRITER CONNECTION: -- delete the row that the read uncommitted connection is positioned on. set connection writer; -- serializable: update will get table level lock so will be blocked. -- other iso: writer should in no way be blocked by reader. delete from test_0 where a = 2; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- next in cursor should get to end of scan. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; next scan_cursor; close scan_cursor; -- full select should see just one row. select * from test_0; -- WRITER CONNECTION: set connection writer; rollback; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- should now see original rows - note all of this in same xact. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; select * from test_0; -- cleanup set connection iso_read_uncommitted; commit; set connection writer; commit; drop table test_1; commit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- TEST 1: test RU(read uncommitted) heap read interaction insert/delete/update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- set up set connection iso_read_uncommitted; autocommit off; set isolation read uncommitted; create table test_1 (a int, b int); insert into test_1 values (1, 1); create index test_1_idx on test_1 (a); commit; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- read uncommitted should maintain no lock on the row. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; select * from test_1; CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault','1'); get cursor scan_cursor as 'select a from test_1'; call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault', '16'); next scan_cursor; -- WRITER CONNECTION: set connection writer; -- writer should not be blocked. insert into test_1 values (2, 2); -- writer should in no way be blocked by reader. update test_1 set b = 10 where a = 1; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- next in cursor should see the new uncommitted row just inserted (2) set connection iso_read_uncommitted; next scan_cursor; -- full select should see the update and the new row. select * from test_1; -- WRITER CONNECTION: -- delete the row that the read uncommitted connection is positioned on. set connection writer; -- writer should in no way be blocked by reader. delete from test_1 where a = 2; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- next in cursor should get to end of scan. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; next scan_cursor; close scan_cursor; -- full select should see just one row. select * from test_1; -- WRITER CONNECTION: set connection writer; rollback; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- should now see original rows - note all of this in same xact. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; select * from test_1; -- cleanup set connection iso_read_uncommitted; commit; set connection writer; commit; drop table test_1; commit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- TEST 2: test RU(read uncommitted) ddl interaction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- set up set connection iso_read_uncommitted; autocommit off; set isolation read uncommitted; create table test_2 (a int); insert into test_2 values (1); commit; -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- read uncommitted should maintain no lock on the row. set connection iso_read_uncommitted; select * from test_2; CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault','1'); get cursor scan_cursor as 'select a from test_2'; call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.language.bulkFetchDefault', '16'); next scan_cursor; -- WRITER CONNECTION: set connection writer; -- writer can't do ddl while reader has open cursor (reader blocks writer). drop table test_2; -- get lock on test_2, held to end of xact. insert into test_2 values (2); -- READ UNCOMMITTED CONNECTION: -- uncommitted reader is blocked from doing ddl while other xact has locks. -- (writer blocks reader). set connection iso_read_uncommitted; close scan_cursor; commit; -- should block on lock (writer blocks reader). drop table test_2; -- cleanup set connection iso_read_uncommitted; commit; set connection writer; commit; drop table test_2; commit; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FINAL CLEANUP (only disconnect at end of script) set connection writer; commit; disconnect; set connection iso_read_uncommitted; commit; disconnect;