### warning - following contains fictional names only # # secureUsers configuration: # # Here we configure 5 databases with each of them having a different # authentication scheme being set. NT authentication is done through # Netscape LDAP NT Synchronization service that basically set-up # and synchronize a X500 organization corresponding to the NT domain # handled by the PDC (NT Primary Domain Controller). # # The different authentication schemes we test and provide are: # # - None (user is always authenticated successfully) # - BUILTIN (BUILTIN Basic authentication scheme relying on # users to be defined in derby.user. # property). # - LDAP (user to be authenticated against an LDAP server) # NOTE: LDAP scheme is used for NT authentication as well; # being done thru Netscape directory NT synch service) # - NIS+ (user to be authenticated against a NIS+ server) # - User defined authentication scheme (that implements the authentication # interface) # derby.infolog.append=true # Turn on authentication at the system level derby.connection.requireAuthentication=true # Trace ON for authentication # # (tracing appears in derby.log) # (if ldap used there is also another file called # DerbyLDAP.out for ldap requests tracing) derby.debug.true=AuthenticationTrace ################################################################ # # Default provider if none specified and requireAuthentication # set to true. # # BUILTIN Authentication settings # # derby.authentication.provider=BUILTIN # ################################################################ # # Users definition for the BUILTIN scheme - Note that this # users are defined at the system level. They could be overriden # at the database level using setDatabaseProperty() method # alias. In a sens the following definitions below will be known # by all databases using BUILTIN scheme (unless database has # got the 'derby.database.propertiesOnly' set to 'true'). # derby.user.system=manager derby.user.Jamie=theHooligan derby.user.francois=paceesalute derby.user.jeff=homeRun derby.user.howardR=takeItEasy derby.user.kreg=IwasBornReady ################################################################ # # LDAP Authentication Settings # # derby.authentication.provider=LDAP # # derby.authentication.server=localhost:389 # derby.authentication.server=//localhost:389 # derby.authentication.server=ldap://localhost:389 # ################################################################ # # LDAP search base # #derby.authentication.ldap.searchBase=o=opensource.apache.com # LDAP search filters examples # # [default is: (&((objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%USERNAME%))) ] # #derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter=(&((objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%USERNAME%))) #derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter=(&((ou=People)(uid=%USERNAME%)) #derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter=ou=People #derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter=derby.user # # Example on how to cache user's full DN in Derby in order # to save the ldap initial user dn lookup. # # Note that if user DN not found/cached in derby.user; then # normal userDN lookup with default search filter is applied. # #derby.user.francois=uid=francois,ou=People,o=opensource.apache.com ################################################################ # # NIS+ Authentication Settings # # derby.authentication.provider=NIS+ # # derby.authentication.server=thehost/apache.com # derby.authentication.server=//thehost/apache.com # derby.authentication.server=nisplus://thehost/apache.com # derby.authentication.server=nis+://thehost/apache.com # ################################################################ ################################################################ # # User provider scheme. See JavaDoc for details. # # # derby.authentication.provider=com.a.valid.classPath.AuthScheme # ################################################################ #