# DerbyNetUseprocess.exclude # identifies tests that fail when run in a suite with useprocess=false with DerbyNet # # jdbcapi/HoldabilityTest.junit - causes subsequent tests to fail because of missing # File permissions # jdbcapi/bestrowidentifier.sql - test fails when db2jcc is in classpath, complaining about # java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError # and access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission loadLibrary.db2jcct2). (????!) # jdbcapi/checkDriver.java - subtest createdbwithspaces fails, probably expecting different dir # jdbcapi/*sers* - these tests log on to wombat with different permissions and users # test could possibly be rewritten to use another database # derbynet/NSinSameJVM.java - diff between thread and main. kind of ok, but fails. # derbynet/DerbyNetAutoStart.java - exits suite... # derbynet/getCurrentProperties.java - fails with different sessions # derbynet/dblook_test_net.java - fails, test misses properties # derbynet/runtimeinfo.java - fails with already existing threads (maybe intermittent) # derbynet/testij.java - sets up wombat in italian, causing subsequent tests to fail. # derbynet/sysinfo.java - fails because not access to java.class.path # derbynet/sysinfo_withproperties.java - fails because not access to java.class.path # jdbcapi/odbc_metadata.java - fails... # lang/optimizerOverrides.sql - fails... # lang/big.sql - checks depend on dir structure # lang/wisconsin.java - checks depend on dir structure # jdbcapi/nullSQLText.java - fails...?? (but not when run by itself) # jdbcapi/maxfieldsize.java - fails...??? (but not when run by itself) # jdbcapi/autoGeneratedJdbc30.java - fails...??? (but not when run by itself) # lang/scrollCursors1.sql - fails...??? (but not when run by itself) # jdbcapi/blobclob4BLOB.java - fails in blobTest8Trigger with container tmp/... not found error... # jdbcapi/maxfieldsize.java jdbcapi/HoldabilityTest.junit jdbcapi/bestrowidentifier.sql jdbcapi/checkDriver.java jdbcapi/users.sql jdbcapi/users2.sql jdbcapi/secureUsers.sql jdbcapi/secureUsers1.sql derbynet/testij.java derbynet/NSinSameJVM.java derbynet/DerbyNetAutoStart.java derbynet/getCurrentProperties.java derbynet/dblook_test_net.java derbynet/runtimeinfo.java derbynet/sysinfo.java derbynet/sysinfo_withproperties.java jdbcapi/odbc_metadata.java lang/optimizerOverrides.sql lang/big.sql lang/wisconsin.java stress/stress.multi jdbcapi/blobclob4BLOB.java