# excluding TestErrorStreamTarget.java since it's not relevant for clients # excluding scrollCursors2.java because updatable resultsets & scroll sensitive cursors are not supported # excluding batchUpdate.java for it hits a problem in networkserver ('beetle' 5561) # excluding statementJdbc20.java because this tests fetch_reverse throughout the test # excluding jdbcapi/resultsetJdbc30.java because the features tested are not implemented by Derby Client # excluding jdbcapi/statementJdbc30.java - Client behaves differently. Need to look into this # excluding jdbcapi/dataSourceReference.java - client side only tests, tests all data sources # regardless of framework # excluding largedata/LobLimits.java to run with the network server because currently lobs are materialized and this test tests for 2G lobs. # see DERBY-326 and DERBY-550 issues lang/errorStream.java # lang/scrollCursors2.java # # Currently, we exclude jdbc4/TestDbMetaData.java and # jdbc4/TestJDBC40Exception.java from the jdbc40 suite. # Eventually, we hope they will run under the network client. # jdbcapi/batchUpdate.java jdbcapi/statementJdbc20.java jdbcapi/resultsetJdbc30.java jdbcapi/statementJdbc30.java jdbcapi/dataSourceReference.java largedata/LobLimits.java jdbc4/TestDbMetaData.java jdbc4/TestJDBC40Exception.java # # This test brings the network server up and down by itself # and so should not be run with a competing server. # jdbc4/AutoloadBooting.java