ij> AUTOCOMMIT OFF; ij> -- MODULE DML044 -- SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Interactive SQL, dml044.sql -- 59-byte ID -- TEd Version # -- AUTHORIZATION HU set schema HU; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> --0 SELECT USER FROM HU.ECCO; VALUES USER; 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HU ij> -- RERUN if USER value does not match preceding AUTHORIZATION comment -- date_time print -- TEST:0215 FIPS sizing -- 6 columns in a UNIQUE constraint! -- FIPS sizing TEST -- setup INSERT INTO T8 VALUES('th','seco','third3','fourth_4','fifth_colu', 'sixth_column','seventh_column','last_column_of_t'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:0215 If 1 row is inserted? INSERT INTO T8 VALUES('th','seco','third3','fourth_4','fifth_colu', 'sixth_column','column_seventh','column_eighth_la'); ERROR 23505: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by 'T8C1' defined on 'T8'. ij> -- PASS:0215 If ERROR, unique constraint, 0 rows inserted? SELECT COL1,COL2,COL3,COL4,COL5,COL6,COL7,COL8 FROM T8; C&|COL2|COL3 |COL4 |COL5 |COL6 |COL7 |COL8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- th|seco|third3|fourth_4|fifth_colu|sixth_column|seventh_column|last_column_of_t ij> -- PASS:0215 If COL1 = 'th'? -- restore ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- END TEST >>> 0215 <<< END TEST -- ************************************************************** -- TEST:0216 FIPS sizing -- 120 bytes in a UNIQUE constraint! -- FIPS sizing TEST -- setup DELETE FROM T4; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- Making sure the table is empty -- setup INSERT INTO T4 VALUES ( 'This test is trying to test the limit on the total length of an index', -123456, 'which is','not less than 120'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:0216 If 1 row is inserted? INSERT INTO T4 VALUES ( 'This test is trying to test the limit on the total length of an index', -123456,'which is','not less than 120'); ERROR 23505: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by 'T4C1' defined on 'T4'. ij> -- PASS:0216 If ERROR, unique constraint, 0 rows inserted? SELECT STR110 FROM T4; STR110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This test is trying to test the limit on the total length of an index ij> -- PASS:0216 If STR110 starts with 'This test is trying to test the '? -- PASS:0216 and ends with 'limit on the total length of an index'? -- restore ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- END TEST >>> 0216 <<< END TEST -- *************************************************////END-OF-MODULE ; ij>