ij> AUTOCOMMIT OFF; ij> -- MODULE DML141 -- SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Interactive SQL, dml141.sql -- 59-byte ID -- TEd Version # -- AUTHORIZATION FLATER set schema FLATER; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> --0 SELECT USER FROM HU.ECCO; VALUES USER; 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLATER ij> -- RERUN if USER value does not match preceding AUTHORIZATION comment ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- date_time print -- NOTE Direct support for SQLCODE or SQLSTATE is not required -- NOTE in Interactive Direct SQL, as defined in FIPS 127-2. -- NOTE ********************* instead *************************** -- NOTE If a statement raises an exception condition, -- NOTE then the system shall display a message indicating that -- NOTE the statement failed, giving a textual description -- NOTE of the failure. -- NOTE If a statement raises a completion condition that is a -- NOTE "warning" or "no data", then the system shall display -- NOTE a message indicating that the statement completed, -- NOTE giving a textual description of the "warning" or "no data." -- TEST:0514 SQLSTATE 23502: integrity constraint violation! -- NOT NULL constraint violated INSERT INTO HU.STAFF VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ERROR 23502: Column 'EMPNUM' cannot accept a NULL value. ij> -- PASS:0514 If ERROR, integrity constraint violation, 0 rows inserted? -- UNIQUE constraint violated INSERT INTO HU.STAFF VALUES ('E1', 'Agnetha', 12, 'Paris'); ERROR 23505: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by 'STAFF_UNIQUE' defined on 'STAFF'. ij> -- PASS:0514 If ERROR, integrity constraint violation, 0 rows inserted? ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- END TEST >>> 0514 <<< END TEST -- *************************************************////END-OF-MODULE ; ij>