ij> AUTOCOMMIT OFF; ij> -- MODULE DML173 -- SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Interactive SQL, dml173.sql -- 59-byte ID -- TEd Version # -- AUTHORIZATION FLATER set schema FLATER; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> --O SELECT USER FROM HU.ECCO; VALUES USER; 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLATER ij> -- RERUN if USER value does not match preceding AUTHORIZATION comment ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- date_time print -- TEST:0885 FIPS sizing, VARCHAR (1000)! CREATE TABLE CONTACTS ( NAME CHAR (20), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (1000), KEYWORDS VARCHAR (1000)); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:0885 If table created successfully? COMMIT WORK; ij> INSERT INTO CONTACTS VALUES ('Harry', --O original lines lack the '||' operator 'Harry works in the Redundancy Automation Division of the ' || 'Materials ' || 'Blasting Laboratory in the National Cattle Acceleration ' || 'Project of ' || 'lower Michigan. His job is to document the trajectory of ' || 'cattle and ' || 'correlate the loft and acceleration versus the quality of ' || 'materials ' || 'used in the trebuchet. He served ten years as the ' || 'vice-president in ' || 'charge of marketing in the now defunct milk trust of the ' || 'Pennsylvania ' || 'Coalition of All Things Bovine. Prior to that he ' || 'established himself ' || 'as a world-class graffiti artist and source of all good ' || 'bits related ' || 'to channel dredging in poor weather. He is author of over ' || 'ten thousand ' || 'paperback novels, including such titles as "How Many ' || 'Pumpkins will Fit ' || 'on the Head of a Pin," "A Whole Bunch of Useless Things ' || 'that you Don''t ' || 'Want to Know," and "How to Lift Heavy Things Over your ' || 'Head without ' || 'Hurting Yourself or Dropping Them." He attends ANSI and ' || 'ISO standards ' || 'meetings in his copious free time and funds the development ' || 'of test ' || 'suites with his pocket change.', 'aardvark albatross nutmeg redundancy ' || 'automation materials blasting ' || 'cattle acceleration trebuchet catapult ' || 'loft coffee java sendmail SMTP ' || 'FTP HTTP censorship expletive senility ' || 'extortion distortion conformity ' || 'conformance nachos chicks goslings ' || 'ducklings honk quack melatonin tie ' || 'noose circulation column default ' || 'ionic doric chlorine guanine Guam ' || 'invasions rubicon helmet plastics ' || 'recycle HDPE nylon ceramics plumbing ' || 'parachute zeppelin carbon hydrogen ' || 'vinegar sludge asphalt adhesives ' || 'tensile magnetic Ellesmere Greenland ' || 'Knud Rasmussen precession ' || 'navigation positioning orbit altitude ' || 'resistance radiation levitation ' || 'yoga demiurge election violence ' || 'collapsed fusion cryogenics gravity ' || 'sincerity idiocy budget accounting ' || 'auditing titanium torque pressure ' || 'fragile hernia muffler cartilage ' || 'graphics deblurring headache eyestrain ' || 'interlace bandwidth resolution ' || 'determination steroids barrel oak wine ' || 'ferment yeast brewing bock siphon ' || 'clarity impurities SQL RBAC data ' || 'warehouse security integrity feedback'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:0885 If 1 row inserted successfully? --O SELECT COUNT(*) SELECT name FROM CONTACTS WHERE DESCRIPTION = 'Harry works in the Redundancy Automation Division of the ' || 'Materials ' || 'Blasting Laboratory in the National Cattle Acceleration ' || 'Project of ' || 'lower Michigan. His job is to document the trajectory of ' || 'cattle and ' || 'correlate the loft and acceleration versus the quality of ' || 'materials ' || 'used in the trebuchet. He served ten years as the ' || 'vice-president in ' || 'charge of marketing in the now defunct milk trust of the ' || 'Pennsylvania ' || 'Coalition of All Things Bovine. Prior to that he ' || 'established himself ' || 'as a world-class graffiti artist and source of all good ' || 'bits related ' || 'to channel dredging in poor weather. He is author of over ' || 'ten thousand ' || 'paperback novels, including such titles as "How Many ' || 'Pumpkins will Fit ' || 'on the Head of a Pin," "A Whole Bunch of Useless Things ' || 'that you Don''t ' || 'Want to Know," and "How to Lift Heavy Things Over your ' || 'Head without ' || 'Hurting Yourself or Dropping Them." He attends ANSI and ' || 'ISO standards ' || 'meetings in his copious free time and funds the development ' || 'of test ' || 'suites with his pocket change.' AND KEYWORDS = 'aardvark albatross nutmeg redundancy ' || 'automation materials blasting ' || 'cattle acceleration trebuchet catapult ' || 'loft coffee java sendmail SMTP ' || 'FTP HTTP censorship expletive senility ' || 'extortion distortion conformity ' || 'conformance nachos chicks goslings ' || 'ducklings honk quack melatonin tie ' || 'noose circulation column default ' || 'ionic doric chlorine guanine Guam ' || 'invasions rubicon helmet plastics ' || 'recycle HDPE nylon ceramics plumbing ' || 'parachute zeppelin carbon hydrogen ' || 'vinegar sludge asphalt adhesives ' || 'tensile magnetic Ellesmere Greenland ' || 'Knud Rasmussen precession ' || 'navigation positioning orbit altitude ' || 'resistance radiation levitation ' || 'yoga demiurge election violence ' || 'collapsed fusion cryogenics gravity ' || 'sincerity idiocy budget accounting ' || 'auditing titanium torque pressure ' || 'fragile hernia muffler cartilage ' || 'graphics deblurring headache eyestrain ' || 'interlace bandwidth resolution ' || 'determination steroids barrel oak wine ' || 'ferment yeast brewing bock siphon ' || 'clarity impurities SQL RBAC data ' || 'warehouse security integrity feedback'; NAME -------------------- Harry ij> -- PASS:0885 If COUNT = 1? --O SELECT COUNT(*) SELECT name FROM CONTACTS WHERE DESCRIPTION LIKE '%change.' AND KEYWORDS LIKE '%feedback'; NAME -------------------- Harry ij> -- PASS:0885 If COUNT = 1? COMMIT WORK; ij> --O DROP TABLE CONTACTS CASCADE; DROP TABLE CONTACTS ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> COMMIT WORK; ij> -- END TEST >>> 0885 <<< END TEST -- ********************************************* -- *************************************************////END-OF-MODULE ; ij>