ij> AUTOCOMMIT OFF; ij> -- MODULE XTS701 -- SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Interactive SQL, xts701.sql -- 59-byte ID -- TEd Version # -- AUTHORIZATION CTS1 set schema CTS1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> --O SELECT USER FROM HU.ECCO; VALUES USER; 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTS1 ij> -- RERUN if USER value does not match preceding AUTHORIZATION comment ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- date_time print -- TEST:7004 Compound char. literal in ! INSERT INTO T4 VALUES ('This is the first compound character literal.',1,NULL,NULL); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:7004 If 1 row inserted successfully? INSERT INTO T4 VALUES('Second character literal.',2,NULL,NULL); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:7004 If 1 row inserted successfully? INSERT INTO T4 VALUES('Third character literal.',3,NULL,NULL); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:7004 If 1 row inserted successfully? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE STR110 = 'This is the compound ' || 'character literal.'; NUM6 ------- ij> -- PASS:7004 If 0 rows selected - no data condition? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T4 WHERE STR110 <> 'This is the first compound ' || 'character literal.'; 1 ----------- 2 ij> -- PASS:7004 If COUNT = 2? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE NUM6 = 2 AND STR110 <= 'Second character ' || --Comments here 'literal.'; NUM6 ------- 2 ij> -- PASS:7004 If NUM6 = 2? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE STR110 = 'Third character literal.' || --Comments here 'second fragment' || 'third fragment.'; NUM6 ------- ij> -- PASS:7004 If 0 rows selected - no data condition? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE STR110 = 'First fragment' || 'another fragment' || --Comments 'Second character literal.' || --Comments here 'fourth fragment.'; NUM6 ------- ij> -- PASS:7004 If 0 rows selected - no data condition? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE STR110 <= 'Second ' || 'chara' || --Comments 'cter liter' || --Comments here 'al.' || ' '; NUM6 ------- 2 ij> -- PASS:7004 If NUM6 = 2? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T4 WHERE STR110 < 'An indifferent' || --Comments ' charac' || 'ter literal.'; 1 ----------- 0 ij> -- PASS:7004 If sum of this COUNT and the next COUNT = 3? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T4 WHERE STR110 >= 'An indifferent' || --Comments ' charac' || 'ter literal.'; 1 ----------- 3 ij> -- PASS:7004 If sum of this COUNT and the previous COUNT = 3? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE STR110 = 'Second ' || 'chara' || --Comments 'cter liter' || --Comments here 'al.' || ' ' || --Comments ' '; NUM6 ------- 2 ij> -- PASS:7004 If NUM6 = 2? SELECT NUM6 FROM T4 WHERE NUM6 = 2 AND STR110 < 'Second ' || 'chara' || --Comments 'cter literal.'; NUM6 ------- ij> -- PASS:7004 If 0 rows selected - no data condition? ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- END TEST >>> 7004 <<< END TEST -- ********************************************* -- TEST:7005 Compound character literal as inserted value! INSERT INTO T4 VALUES ('This is the first fragment of a compound character literal,' || --Comments ' and this is the second part.',11,NULL,'Compound ' || --Comments 'literal.'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:7005 If 1 row inserted successfully? INSERT INTO T4 VALUES('This is a comp' || 'ound character literal,' || ' in the second table row.',12,NULL,NULL); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:7005 If 1 row inserted successfully? INSERT INTO T4 VALUES('This is ' || 'a comp' || 'ound ' || 'char' || 'acter lit' || -- Comments 'eral, ' || -- Comments 'in the th' || 'ird ' || 'table ' || 'row.',13,NULL,NULL); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- PASS:7005 If 1 row inserted successfully? SELECT STR110, COL4 FROM T4 WHERE NUM6 = 11; STR110 |COL4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first fragment of a compound character literal, and this is the second part. |Compound literal. ij> -- PASS:7005 If STR110 = 'This is the first fragment of a compound -- character literal, and this is the second part.'? -- PASS:7005 If COL4 = 'Compound literal.'? SELECT STR110 FROM T4 WHERE NUM6 = 12; STR110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a compound character literal, in the second table row. ij> -- PASS:7005 If STR110 = 'This is a compound character literal, in -- the second table row.'? SELECT STR110 FROM T4 WHERE NUM6 = 13; STR110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a compound character literal, in the third table row. ij> -- PASS:7005 If STR110 = 'This is a compound character literal, in -- the third table row.'? ROLLBACK WORK; ij> -- END TEST >>> 7005 <<< END TEST -- ********************************************* -- TEST:7006 Compound character literal in a