----------------------------------- START setup ----------------------------------- END setup ----------------------------------- END setup ======================================== START ClobTest #1 -insertClob of size = 2147483647 Rows inserted with clob of size (2147483647) = 2 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #2 - SELECT CLOB of size = 2147483647 Matched rows selected with clob of size(2147483647) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #3 - SELECT CLOB of size = 2147483647 Matched rows selected with clob of size(2147483647) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #4 - select and then update clob of size= 2147483647 - Uses setClob api Rows Updated = 1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #5.1 insert Clob of size = 104857600 Rows inserted with clob of size (104857600) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #5.2 - SELECT CLOB of size = 104857600 Matched rows selected with clob of size(104857600) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #8.2 - select and then update clob of size= 104857600 - Uses setClob api Rows Updated = 1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #6.1 insert Clob of size = 104857600 Rows inserted with clob of size (104857600) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #6.2 - SELECT CLOB of size = 104857600 Matched rows selected with clob of size(104857600) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #7insert Clob of size = 104857600 EXPECTED EXCEPTION - stream has trailing spaces,but stream length is 1 less than actual length of stream EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XSDA4) An unexpected exception was thrown EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XJ001) Java exception: 'Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.: org.apache.derby.iapi.services.io.DerbyIOException'. ======================================== START ClobTest #7insert Clob of size = 104857600 EXPECTED EXCEPTION - stream has trailing spaces,but stream length is 1 greater than actual length of stream EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XSDA4) An unexpected exception was thrown EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XJ001) Java exception: 'Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.: org.apache.derby.iapi.services.io.DerbyIOException'. ======================================== START ClobTest #9.1 insert Clob of size = 104857601 NEGATIVE TEST - Expected Exception: truncation of non-blanks not allowed EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XSDA4) An unexpected exception was thrown EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XJ001) Java exception: 'A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink CLOB '' to length 104857600.: org.apache.derby.iapi.services.io.DerbyIOException'. ======================================== START ClobTest #9.2 - SELECT CLOB of size = 104857600 Matched rows selected with clob of size(104857600) =0 ======================================== ======================================== START ClobTest #10 insert Clob of size = 104857601 NEGATIVE TEST - Expected Exception: truncation of non-blanks not allowed and stream length is one greater than actual length of the stream EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XSDA4) An unexpected exception was thrown EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XJ001) Java exception: 'A truncation error was encountered trying to shrink CLOB '' to length 104857600.: org.apache.derby.iapi.services.io.DerbyIOException'. ======================================== START ClobTest #11 insert Clob of size = 104857601 NEGATIVE TEST - Expected Exception: truncation of non-blanks not allowed and stream length is one less than actual length of the stream EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XSDA4) An unexpected exception was thrown EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XJ001) Java exception: 'Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.: org.apache.derby.iapi.services.io.DerbyIOException'. Rows deleted =2 ======================================== START ClobTest #12.1 -insertClob of size = 104857600 NEGATIVE TEST - Expected Exception: EXPECTED SQL Exception: (XJ025) Input stream cannot have negative length. ======================================== START ClobTest #12.2 - SELECT CLOB of size = 104857600 Matched rows selected with clob of size(104857600) =0 ======================================== Rows deleted =2 ======================================== START ClobTest #13 (setClob with 4Gb clobinsertClob of size = 4294967296 Rows inserted with clob of size (4294967296) =0 ======================================== DERBY DOES NOT SUPPORT INSERT OF 4GB CLOB EXPECTED SQL Exception: (22003) The resulting value is outside the range for the data type CLOB. ======================================== START BlobTest #1insertBlob of size = 2147483647 Rows inserted with blob of size (2147483647) =2 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #2 - SELECT BLOB of size = 2147483647 Matched rows selected with blob of size(2147483647) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #3 - SELECT BLOB of size = 2147483647 Matched rows selected with blob of size(2147483647) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #4 - select and then update blob of size= 2147483647 - Uses getBlob api Rows Updated = 1 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #4.1 - select and then insert blob of size= 2147483647 - Uses getBlob api to do select and setBlob for insert Rows Updated = 1 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #5.1 insert Blob of size = 104857600 Rows inserted with blob of size (104857600) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #5.2 - SELECT BLOB of size = 104857600 Matched rows selected with blob of size(104857600) =1 ======================================== ======================================== START BlobTest #6 - select and then update blob of size= 104857600 - Uses getBlob and setBlob api Rows Updated = 1 ======================================== Rows deleted =1 Rows deleted =3 ======================================== START BlobTest #7 (setBlob with 4Gb blobinsertBlob of size = 4294967296 Rows inserted with blob of size (4294967296) =0 ======================================== DERBY DOES NOT SUPPORT INSERT OF 4GB BLOB EXPECTED SQL Exception: (22003) The resulting value is outside the range for the data type BLOB.