Test statementJdbc20 starting Fetch Size 25 Fetch Direction 1001 1 2 3.1 Result Set Fetch Size 25 Result Set Fetch Direction 1001 PASS -- expected exception SQLSTATE(XJ061): java.sql.SQLException: The 'setFetchDirection()' method is only allowed on scroll cursors. Result Set Fetch Size 250 Result Set Fetch Direction 1001 PASS -- expected exception SQLSTATE(XJ062): java.sql.SQLException: Invalid parameter value '100' for ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows). PASS -- expected exception SQLSTATE(XJ061): java.sql.SQLException: The 'setFetchDirection()' method is only allowed on scroll cursors. PASS -- expected exception SQLSTATE(X0Y78): java.sql.SQLException: Statement.executeQuery() cannot be called with a statement that returns a row count. PASS -- expected exception SQLSTATE(X0Y79): java.sql.SQLException: Statement.executeUpdate() cannot be called with a statement that returns a ResultSet. Test statementJdbc20 finished