Changes for Derby


The following table lists issues in JIRA which were fixed between Derby release and the preceding release This includes issues for the product source, documentation and tests

Issue IdDescription
DERBY-3658LOBStateTracker should not use SYSIBM.CLOBRELEASELOCATOR when the database is soft-upgraded from 10.2
DERBY-3649can't call a stored function with an aggregate argument without getting the following error: ERROR 42Y29
DERBY-3611ERROR XSDG2: Invalid checksum on Page occurs during mass inserts into two-column bigint PK table
DERBY-3603'IN' clause ignores valid results, incorrect qualifier handling suspected
DERBY-3576Merge EngineBlob and EngineClob into a single interface
DERBY-3571LOB locators are not released if the LOB columns are not accessed by the client
DERBY-3560build failure: Error running ${jdk16}/bin/javac compiler if jdk16 is not set on 10.3
DERBY-3538NullPointerException during execution for query with LEFT OUTER JOIN whose inner table selects all constants.
DERBY-3525Remove unneeded code to get JDBC level in BrokeredConnection and BrokeredStatement classes
DERBY-3496CallableStatement with output parameter leaves cursor open after execution
DERBY-3458dblook fails on TERRITORY_BASED databases
DERBY-3426Remove unused code for autogenerated keys columnNames
DERBY-3422Embedded returns wrong value for DatabaseMetaData.autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets()
DERBY-3421Remove unused code for caching of connect bytes
DERBY-3397Derby and break scrollable result sets? Hibernate Query.setFirstResult and/or setMaxResults
DERBY-3379"No Current connection" on PooledConnection.getConnection() if pooled connection is reused during connectionClosed processing
DERBY-3373SQL "distinct" and "order by" needed together
DERBY-3365Network Server stores a duplicate entry in the lob hash map for every lob
DERBY-3354Select from large lob table with embedded gives OutOfMemoryError
DERBY-3347ERROR XSDB3: Container information cannot change once written
DERBY-3343Subsequent calls to PreparedStatement cause SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException on column that is "Generated always"
DERBY-3321NullPointerException for 'NOT EXISTS' with nested subquery
DERBY-3316Leak in client if ResultSet not closed
DERBY-3315Should UCS_BASIC character types have to look at collation elements when dealing with escape character in the LIKE clause?
DERBY-3309Minor cleanups in ClientPooledConnection40 and ClientPooledConnection
DERBY-3308Broken synchronization for event handling in ClientPooledConnection40
DERBY-3304Explicit commit inside a java procedure makes a dynamic result sets passed out unavailable
DERBY-3303ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at
DERBY-3302NullPointerException during recovery of database with territory-based collation
DERBY-3301Incorrect result from query with nested EXIST
DERBY-3288wrong query result in presence of a unique index
DERBY-3279Derby 10.3.X ignores ORDER BY DESC when target column has an index and is used in an OR clause or an IN list.
DERBY-3260NullPointerException caused by race condition in GenericActivationHolder
DERBY-3257SELECT with HAVING clause containing OR conditional incorrectly return 1 row - should return 2 rows - works correctly with 10.2 DB
DERBY-3253NullPointer Exception (NPE) from query with IN predicate containing two values and joining a view with a large table. ERROR 38000: The exception 'java.lang.NullPointerException' was thrown while evaluating an expression.
DERBY-3247Activation for a dynamic ResultSet created from an Prepared/CallableStatement will not be closed until garbage collection indicates it is unused to the LCC and the LCC closes it
DERBY-3244NullPointerException in ....B2IRowLocking3.searchLeftAndLockPreviousKey
DERBY-3243(jdbc net client) exception during normal iteration through "ResultSet" of "select * from t"
DERBY-3238When table contains large LOB values (> ~32K) trigger execution fails for that row with ERROR XCL30: An IOException was thrown when reading a 'BLOB'
DERBY-3231Sorting on COUNT with OR and GROUP BY delivers wrong results.
DERBY-3230Selecting data from a Table raises Error XN008: Query processing has been terminated due to an error on the server
DERBY-3229testSysinfoLocale fails if derbyTools.jar is first in the classpath
DERBY-3221"java.sql.SQLException: The conglomerate (-5) requested does not exist." from Derby embedded within Eclipse 3.3 and RAD 7.0
DERBY-3214Optimizer can see negative cost estimates when pulling Optimizables from the join order.
DERBY-3094Grouping of expressions causes NullPointerException
DERBY-3044Typos in documentation
DERBY-3037Language ResultSet.finish() is called even when the ResultSet is going to be re-used.
DERBY-3023Different result rows depending on the sequence of INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN
DERBY-2935DDMReader.readLengthAndCodePoint() decodes long integer incorrectly
DERBY-2892Closing a resultset after retrieving a large > 32665 bytes value with Network Server does not release locks
DERBY-2720remove dead code associated with unsupported National Char implementation
DERBY-2653Expose existing auto-generated key functionality through more JDBC APIs in Derby Client.
DERBY-2559recreating a datasource using javax.naming.Reference from a ClientDataSource40 fails
DERBY-2351ORDER BY with expression with distinct in the select list returns incorrect result
DERBY-2182Documentation for derby.system.bootAll is missing
DERBY-2142NullPointerException while using XAConnection/PooledConnection in a heavily contended multithreaded scenario
DERBY-1585derbylang/procedureInTrigger: not able to create trigger due to an open ResultSet