Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Sttest package - Single Table Test. Contents 1. About the Sttest 2. Design 3. Schema 4. Test goals 5. Exit criteria 6. How to run the test 1. About the Sttest A derby database test which creates a single table, and runs updates against that table for a long time, printing a log of its actions to stdout. 2. Design It is a multi threaded application where each thread acts as a different connection to the database. The number of threads can be changed. It can be changed in the To change the number of connection search for the following string in the file "static int connections_to_make" and make the changes. Also other values like maximum size and minimum size can be changed. The database has only one table with all the Derby supported datatypes. And they are indexed. The test will insert rows till it reaches a particular size and then it does inserts/updates and deletes. It checks whether the table has the max rows and if so will delete some rows which are selected randomly. Similarly the test will check whether the number of rows are less than the minimum number then it will insert some rows. 3. Schema The schema for this test is as follows Table 1.table Datatypes id int not null t_char char(100) t_blob blob(100K) t_clob clob(100K) t_date date t_decimal decimal t_decimal_nn decimal(10,10) t_double double precision t_float float t_int int t_longint bigint t_numeric_large numeric(31,0) t_real real t_smallint smallint t_time time t_timestamp timestamp t_varchar varchar(100) serialkey bigint generated always as identity (start with 1,increment by 1) 4. Test goals The usual duration of this test is 2 weeks time without any major issues. You can increase/decrease the stress by changing the test values 5. Exit criteria 1. There should not be any fatal failures 2. No unwanted lock time outs or deadlocks 3. No NPEs 4. No unwanted Exceptions 5. No Out of memory Errors 6. How to run the test 1. Make sure you have java in your environment and put the Derby jars including the derbyTesting.jar in your classpath 2. Then run java If you want to get the test output to a file then run java>sttest.out 2>&1 Which will print the output to a file called sttest.out including warnings and errors There is no explicit exit condition. This test usually runs for more than 2 weeks. Check for ERROR and Exception in both the out files and derby.log.