Test resultset starting getColumnCount(): 16 isAutoIncrement(1): false isCaseSensitive(1): false isSearchable(1): true isCurrency(1): false isNullable(1): 1 isSigned(1): true getColumnDisplaySize(1): 11 getColumnLabel(1): I getColumnName(1): I getTableName(1): T getSchemaName(1): APP getCatalogName(1): getColumnType(1): 4 getPrecision(1): 10 getScale(1): 0 getColumnTypeName(1): INTEGER isReadOnly(1): false isWritable(1): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(1): false isAutoIncrement(2): false isCaseSensitive(2): false isSearchable(2): true isCurrency(2): false isNullable(2): 1 isSigned(2): true getColumnDisplaySize(2): 6 getColumnLabel(2): S getColumnName(2): S getTableName(2): T getSchemaName(2): APP getCatalogName(2): getColumnType(2): 5 getPrecision(2): 5 getScale(2): 0 getColumnTypeName(2): SMALLINT isReadOnly(2): false isWritable(2): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(2): false isAutoIncrement(3): false isCaseSensitive(3): false isSearchable(3): true isCurrency(3): false isNullable(3): 1 isSigned(3): true getColumnDisplaySize(3): 13 getColumnLabel(3): R getColumnName(3): R getTableName(3): T getSchemaName(3): APP getCatalogName(3): getColumnType(3): 7 getPrecision(3): 7 getScale(3): 0 getColumnTypeName(3): REAL isReadOnly(3): false isWritable(3): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(3): false isAutoIncrement(4): false isCaseSensitive(4): false isSearchable(4): true isCurrency(4): false isNullable(4): 1 isSigned(4): true getColumnDisplaySize(4): 22 getColumnLabel(4): D getColumnName(4): D getTableName(4): T getSchemaName(4): APP getCatalogName(4): getColumnType(4): 8 getPrecision(4): 15 getScale(4): 0 getColumnTypeName(4): DOUBLE isReadOnly(4): false isWritable(4): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(4): false isAutoIncrement(5): false isCaseSensitive(5): false isSearchable(5): true isCurrency(5): false isNullable(5): 1 isSigned(5): false getColumnDisplaySize(5): 10 getColumnLabel(5): DT getColumnName(5): DT getTableName(5): T getSchemaName(5): APP getCatalogName(5): getColumnType(5): 91 getPrecision(5): 10 getScale(5): 0 getColumnTypeName(5): DATE isReadOnly(5): false isWritable(5): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(5): false isAutoIncrement(6): false isCaseSensitive(6): false isSearchable(6): true isCurrency(6): false isNullable(6): 1 isSigned(6): false getColumnDisplaySize(6): 8 getColumnLabel(6): T getColumnName(6): T getTableName(6): T getSchemaName(6): APP getCatalogName(6): getColumnType(6): 92 getPrecision(6): 8 getScale(6): 0 getColumnTypeName(6): TIME isReadOnly(6): false isWritable(6): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(6): false isAutoIncrement(7): false isCaseSensitive(7): false isSearchable(7): true isCurrency(7): false isNullable(7): 1 isSigned(7): false getColumnDisplaySize(7): 26 getColumnLabel(7): TS getColumnName(7): TS getTableName(7): T getSchemaName(7): APP getCatalogName(7): getColumnType(7): 93 getPrecision(7): 26 getScale(7): 6 getColumnTypeName(7): TIMESTAMP isReadOnly(7): false isWritable(7): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(7): false isAutoIncrement(8): false isCaseSensitive(8): true isSearchable(8): true isCurrency(8): false isNullable(8): 1 isSigned(8): false getColumnDisplaySize(8): 10 getColumnLabel(8): C getColumnName(8): C getTableName(8): T getSchemaName(8): APP getCatalogName(8): getColumnType(8): 1 getPrecision(8): 10 getScale(8): 0 getColumnTypeName(8): CHAR isReadOnly(8): false isWritable(8): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(8): false isAutoIncrement(9): false isCaseSensitive(9): true isSearchable(9): true isCurrency(9): false isNullable(9): 0 isSigned(9): false getColumnDisplaySize(9): 40 getColumnLabel(9): V getColumnName(9): V getTableName(9): T getSchemaName(9): APP getCatalogName(9): getColumnType(9): 12 getPrecision(9): 40 getScale(9): 0 getColumnTypeName(9): VARCHAR isReadOnly(9): false isWritable(9): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(9): false isAutoIncrement(10): false isCaseSensitive(10): false isSearchable(10): true isCurrency(10): true isNullable(10): 1 isSigned(10): true getColumnDisplaySize(10): 12 getColumnLabel(10): DC getColumnName(10): DC getTableName(10): T getSchemaName(10): APP getCatalogName(10): getColumnType(10): 3 getPrecision(10): 10 getScale(10): 2 getColumnTypeName(10): DECIMAL isReadOnly(10): false isWritable(10): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(10): false isAutoIncrement(11): false isCaseSensitive(11): false isSearchable(11): true isCurrency(11): false isNullable(11): 1 isSigned(11): true getColumnDisplaySize(11): 20 getColumnLabel(11): BI getColumnName(11): BI getTableName(11): T getSchemaName(11): APP getCatalogName(11): getColumnType(11): -5 getPrecision(11): 19 getScale(11): 0 getColumnTypeName(11): BIGINT isReadOnly(11): false isWritable(11): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(11): false isAutoIncrement(12): false isCaseSensitive(12): false isSearchable(12): true isCurrency(12): false isNullable(12): 1 isSigned(12): false getColumnDisplaySize(12): 20 getColumnLabel(12): CBD getColumnName(12): CBD getTableName(12): T getSchemaName(12): APP getCatalogName(12): getColumnType(12): -2 getPrecision(12): 10 getScale(12): 0 getColumnTypeName(12): CHAR () FOR BIT DATA isReadOnly(12): false isWritable(12): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(12): false isAutoIncrement(13): false isCaseSensitive(13): false isSearchable(13): true isCurrency(13): false isNullable(13): 1 isSigned(13): false getColumnDisplaySize(13): 20 getColumnLabel(13): VBD getColumnName(13): VBD getTableName(13): T getSchemaName(13): APP getCatalogName(13): getColumnType(13): -3 getPrecision(13): 10 getScale(13): 0 getColumnTypeName(13): VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA isReadOnly(13): false isWritable(13): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(13): false isAutoIncrement(14): false isCaseSensitive(14): false isSearchable(14): true isCurrency(14): false isNullable(14): 1 isSigned(14): false getColumnDisplaySize(14): 65400 getColumnLabel(14): LVBD getColumnName(14): LVBD getTableName(14): T getSchemaName(14): APP getCatalogName(14): getColumnType(14): -4 getPrecision(14): 32700 getScale(14): 0 getColumnTypeName(14): LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA isReadOnly(14): false isWritable(14): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(14): false isAutoIncrement(15): false isCaseSensitive(15): true isSearchable(15): true isCurrency(15): false isNullable(15): 1 isSigned(15): false getColumnDisplaySize(15): 2147483647 getColumnLabel(15): CL getColumnName(15): CL getTableName(15): T getSchemaName(15): APP getCatalogName(15): getColumnType(15): 2005 getPrecision(15): 2147483647 getScale(15): 0 getColumnTypeName(15): CLOB isReadOnly(15): false isWritable(15): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(15): false isAutoIncrement(16): false isCaseSensitive(16): false isSearchable(16): true isCurrency(16): false isNullable(16): 1 isSigned(16): false getColumnDisplaySize(16): 2147483647 getColumnLabel(16): BL getColumnName(16): BL getTableName(16): T getSchemaName(16): APP getCatalogName(16): getColumnType(16): 2004 getPrecision(16): 1073741824 getScale(16): 0 getColumnTypeName(16): BLOB isReadOnly(16): false isWritable(16): Expected isWritable value isDefinitelyWritable(16): false getBigDecimal(1,1): 1 getBigDecimal(i,1): 1 getBoolean(1): true getBoolean(i): true getByte(1): 1 getByte(i): 1 getBytes(1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(i) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(i) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(1): 1.0 getDouble(i): 1.0 getFloat(1): 1.0 getFloat(i): 1.0 getInt(1): 1 getInt(i): 1 getLong(1): 1 getLong(i): 1 getObject(1): 1 getObject(i): 1 getShort(1): 1 getShort(i): 1 getString(1): 1 getString(i): 1 getTime(1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(i) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(i) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(2,1): 2 getBigDecimal(s,1): 2 getBoolean(2): true getBoolean(s): true getByte(2): 2 getByte(s): 2 getBytes(2) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(s) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(2) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(s) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(2): 2.0 getDouble(s): 2.0 getFloat(2): 2.0 getFloat(s): 2.0 getInt(2): 2 getInt(s): 2 getLong(2): 2 getLong(s): 2 getObject(2): 2 getObject(s): 2 getShort(2): 2 getShort(s): 2 getString(2): 2 getString(s): 2 getTime(2) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(s) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(2) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(s) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(3,1): 3.3 getBigDecimal(r,1): 3.3 getBoolean(3): true getBoolean(r): true getByte(3): 3 getByte(r): 3 getBytes(3) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(r) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(3) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(r) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(3): 3.299999952316284 getDouble(r): 3.299999952316284 getFloat(3): 3.3 getFloat(r): 3.3 getInt(3): 3 getInt(r): 3 getLong(3): 3 getLong(r): 3 getObject(3): 3.3 getObject(r): 3.3 getShort(3): 3 getShort(r): 3 getString(3): 3.3 getString(r): 3.3 getTime(3) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(r) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(3) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(r) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(4,1): 4.4 getBigDecimal(d,1): 4.4 getBoolean(4): true getBoolean(d): true getByte(4): 4 getByte(d): 4 getBytes(4) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(d) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(4) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(d) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(4): 4.4 getDouble(d): 4.4 getFloat(4): 4.4 getFloat(d): 4.4 getInt(4): 4 getInt(d): 4 getLong(4): 4 getLong(d): 4 getObject(4): 4.4 getObject(d): 4.4 getShort(4): 4 getShort(d): 4 getString(4): 4.4 getString(d): 4.4 getTime(4) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(d) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(4) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(d) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(5,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(dt,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(5): 1990-05-05 getDate(dt): 1990-05-05 getDouble(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(5): 1990-05-05 getObject(dt): 1990-05-05 getShort(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(5): 1990-05-05 getString(dt): 1990-05-05 getTime(5) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(dt) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(5): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getTimestamp(dt): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getBigDecimal(6,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(t,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(6): 12:06:06 getObject(t): 12:06:06 getShort(6) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(t) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(6): 12:06:06 getString(t): 12:06:06 getTime(6): 12:06:06 getTime(t): 12:06:06 getTimestamp(6): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getTimestamp(t): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getBigDecimal(7,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(ts,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(7): 1990-07-07 getDate(ts): 1990-07-07 getDouble(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(7): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getObject(ts): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getShort(7) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(ts) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(7): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getString(ts): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getTime(7): 07:07:07 getTime(ts): 07:07:07 getTimestamp(7): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getTimestamp(ts): xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx getBigDecimal(8,1): eight getBigDecimal(c,1): eight getBoolean(8): true getBoolean(c): true getByte(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(8): eight getObject(c): eight getShort(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(8): eight getString(c): eight getTime(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(8) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(c) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(9,1): nine getBigDecimal(v,1): nine getBoolean(9): true getBoolean(v): true getByte(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(9): nine getObject(v): nine getShort(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(9): nine getString(v): nine getTime(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(9) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(v) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(10,1): 10.10 getBigDecimal(dc,1): 10.10 getBoolean(10): true getBoolean(dc): true getByte(10): 10 getByte(dc): 10 getBytes(10) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(dc) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(10) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(dc) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(10): 10.1 getDouble(dc): 10.1 getFloat(10): 10.1 getFloat(dc): 10.1 getInt(10): 10 getInt(dc): 10 getLong(10): 10 getLong(dc): 10 getObject(10): 10.10 getObject(dc): 10.10 getShort(10): 10 getShort(dc): 10 getString(10): 10.10 getString(dc): 10.10 getTime(10) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(dc) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(10) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(dc) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(11,1): 11 getBigDecimal(bi,1): 11 getBoolean(11): true getBoolean(bi): true getByte(11): 11 getByte(bi): 11 getBytes(11) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(bi) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(11) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(bi) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(11): 11.0 getDouble(bi): 11.0 getFloat(11): 11.0 getFloat(bi): 11.0 getInt(11): 11 getInt(bi): 11 getLong(11): 11 getLong(bi): 11 getObject(11): 11 getObject(bi): 11 getShort(11): 11 getShort(bi): 11 getString(11): 11 getString(bi): 11 getTime(11) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(bi) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(11) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(bi) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(12,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(cbd,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(12): 0x007400770065006C0076 getBytes(cbd): 0x007400770065006C0076 getDate(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(12) is ok getObject(cbd) is ok getShort(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(12): 007400770065006c0076 getString(cbd): 007400770065006c0076 getTime(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(12) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(cbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(13,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(vbd,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(13): 0x0033007400650065006E getBytes(vbd): 0x0033007400650065006E getDate(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(13) is ok getObject(vbd) is ok getShort(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(13): 0033007400650065006e getString(vbd): 0033007400650065006e getTime(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(13) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(vbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(14,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(lvbd,1) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBoolean(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getByte(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBytes(14): 0x0034007400650065006E getBytes(lvbd): 0x0034007400650065006E getDate(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDate(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getDouble(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getFloat(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getInt(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getLong(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getObject(14) is ok getObject(lvbd) is ok getShort(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getShort(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getString(14): 0034007400650065006e getString(lvbd): 0034007400650065006e getTime(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTime(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(14) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getTimestamp(lvbd) got exception Data Conversion SQLException getBigDecimal(15,1): null getBigDecimal(cl,1): null getBoolean(15): false getBoolean(cl): false getByte(15): 0 getByte(cl): 0 getBytes(15): null getBytes(cl): null getDate(15): null getDate(cl): null getDouble(15): 0.0 getDouble(cl): 0.0 getFloat(15): 0.0 getFloat(cl): 0.0 getInt(15): 0 getInt(cl): 0 getLong(15): 0 getLong(cl): 0 getObject(15) is ok getObject(cl) is ok getShort(15): 0 getShort(cl): 0 getString(15): null getString(cl): null getTime(15): null getTime(cl): null getTimestamp(15): null getTimestamp(cl): null getBigDecimal(16,1): null getBigDecimal(bl,1): null getBoolean(16): false getBoolean(bl): false getByte(16): 0 getByte(bl): 0 getBytes(16): null getBytes(bl): null getDate(16): null getDate(bl): null getDouble(16): 0.0 getDouble(bl): 0.0 getFloat(16): 0.0 getFloat(bl): 0.0 getInt(16): 0 getInt(bl): 0 getLong(16): 0 getLong(bl): 0 getObject(16) is ok getObject(bl) is ok getShort(16): 0 getShort(bl): 0 getString(16): null getString(bl): null getTime(16): null getTime(bl): null getTimestamp(16): null getTimestamp(bl): null rs.next() on closed result set got exception Result Set Closed Exception just auto commit bug4810 1, 1 bug4810 1, 2 LOCK TABLE Locks are held bug4810 1, 3 LOCK TABLE Locks are held LOCK TABLE commit with auto commit bug4810 1, 1 bug4810 1, 2 commit LOCK TABLE Result Set Closed Exception LOCK TABLE LOCK TABLE rollback with auto commit bug4810 1, 1 bug4810 1, 2 rollback LOCK TABLE Result Set Closed Exception LOCK TABLE LOCK TABLE START testMutableValues CHECKING on getXXX() ROW 1 ROW 2 ROW 3 OK EQUALITY OBJECT RETURNED column 4 existing 1 OK EQUALITY OBJECT RETURNED column 5 existing 1 OK EQUALITY OBJECT RETURNED column 6 existing 1 CHECKING on getObject() ROW 1 ROW 2 ROW 3 OK EQUALITY OBJECT RETURNED column 4 existing 1 OK EQUALITY OBJECT RETURNED column 5 existing 1 OK EQUALITY OBJECT RETURNED column 6 existing 1 COMPLETE testMutableValues Run select * from s ss (f, e, d, c, b, a) where f = 0 and then try getTableName and getSchemaName on columns getTableName(1): S getSchemaName(1): APP Run select * from (select * from s) a and then try getTableName and getSchemaName on columns getTableName(1): S getSchemaName(1): APP Run select * from s1.t1 as abc and then try getTableName and getSchemaName on columns Table name of first column is T1 Schema name of first column is S1 Table name of second column is T1 Schema name of second column is S1 Run select abc.c11 from s1.t1 as abc and then try getTableName and getSchemaName on columns Table name of first column is T1 Schema name of first column is S1 Run select bcd.a, abc.c11 from s1.t1 as abc, s as bcd and then try getTableName and getSchemaName on columns Table name of first column is S Schema name of first column is APP Table name of second column is T1 Schema name of second column is S1 Run select app1.t1.c11, app2.t1.c11 from app1.t1, app2.t1 and then try getTableName and getSchemaName on columns Table name of first column is T1 Schema name of first column is APP1 Table name of second column is T1 Schema name of second column is APP2 Tests to check metadata information of nullif column Set up by creating table for testing all datatypes combinations create table AllDataTypesTable (SMALLINTCOL SMALLINT,INTEGERCOL INTEGER,BIGINTCOL BIGINT,DECIMALCOL DECIMAL(10,5),REALCOL REAL,DOUBLECOL DOUBLE,CHARCOL CHAR(60),VARCHARCOL VARCHAR(60),LONGVARCHARCOL LONG VARCHAR,CHARFORBITCOL CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA,VARCHARFORBITCOL VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA,LVARCHARFORBITCOL LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,CLOBCOL CLOB(1k),DATECOL DATE,TIMECOL TIME,TIMESTAMPCOL TIMESTAMP,BLOBCOL BLOB(1k)) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0,'0','0','0',X'10aa',X'10aa',X'10aa','13','2000-01-01','15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,NULL) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(1,1,1,1.0,1.0,1.0,'aa','aa','aa',NULL,NULL,NULL,'14','2000-01-01','15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,NULL) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(2,21,22,23.0,24.0,25.0,'2.0','15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,X'10aaaa',X'10aaba',X'10aaca',NULL,NULL,'15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,NULL) Start testing all datatypes combinations in NULLIF function SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {2} SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {2} SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {2} SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {2} SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {2} SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(SMALLINTCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {21} SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {21} SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {21} SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {21} SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {21} SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(INTEGERCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {22} SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {22} SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {22} SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {22} SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {22} SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BIGINTCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {23.00000} SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {23.00000} SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {23.00000} SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {23.00000} SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {23.00000} SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DECIMALCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {24.0} SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {24.0} SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {24.0} SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {24.0} SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {24.0} SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(REALCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {25.0} SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {25.0} SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {25.0} SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {25.0} SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {25.0} SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DOUBLECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {null} {null} {2.0 } SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(CHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {15:30:20} SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LONGVARCHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {10aaba} SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(VARCHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(CLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(DATECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 8, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 8, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 8, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIME' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 26, scale : 6) ----------------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 26, scale : 6) ----------------------------------------------------- Data Conversion SQLException SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 26, scale : 6) ----------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT NULLIF(TIMESTAMPCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'REAL' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'CHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'CLOB' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'DATE' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'TIME' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not supported. SELECT NULLIF(BLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'BLOB' are not supported. Start testing first operand as parameter to nullif Testing nullif(?,SMALLINT) Testing nullif(?,SMALLINT) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {1} {1} {null} {1} Testing nullif(?,INTEGER) Testing nullif(?,INTEGER) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {1} {1} {null} {1} Testing nullif(?,BIGINT) Testing nullif(?,BIGINT) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {1} {1} {null} {1} Testing nullif(?,DECIMAL(10,5)) Testing nullif(?,DECIMAL(10,5)) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {1} {1} {null} {1} Testing nullif(?,REAL) Testing nullif(?,REAL) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {1.0} {1.0} {null} {1.0} Testing nullif(?,DOUBLE) Testing nullif(?,DOUBLE) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {1.0} {1.0} {null} {1.0} Testing nullif(?,CHAR(60)) Testing nullif(?,CHAR(60)) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {1} {1} {1} {1} Testing nullif(?,VARCHAR(60)) Testing nullif(?,VARCHAR(60)) with setBoolean COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {1} {1} {1} {1} Testing nullif(?,LONG VARCHAR) ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. Testing nullif(?,CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA) Testing nullif(?,CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA) with setBinaryStream COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} Testing nullif(?,VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA) Testing nullif(?,VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA) with setBinaryStream COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} Testing nullif(?,LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA) ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. Testing nullif(?,CLOB(1k)) ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CLOB' and 'CLOB' are not supported. Testing nullif(?,DATE) Testing nullif(?,DATE) with setDate COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {2000-01-01} {null} {null} {2000-01-01} Testing nullif(?,TIME) Testing nullif(?,TIME) with setTime COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 8, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {15:30:20} {null} {null} {null} Testing nullif(?,TIMESTAMP) Testing nullif(?,TIMESTAMP) with setTimestamp COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 26, scale : 6) ----------------------------------------------------- {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {null} {null} {null} Testing nullif(?,BLOB(1k)) ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BLOB' and 'BLOB' are not supported. DERBY-1136 fetched: 3.4028235E38 Single RS auto-commit test: PASS. SingleRSCloseCursorsAtCommit: PASS. Checked class declared as: java.sql.ResultSet Checked class declared as: java.sql.ResultSetMetaData Test resultset finished