CallableStatement Test Starts Sum of 6 and 9 is: 15 return value: Square of 6 then plus 6 is: 42 return value is: 55 return short: 3 return int: 4 return long: 5 return float: 6.0 return double: 7.0 return decimal: 88.880 return date: 2002-05-12 return time: 10:05:02 return time stamp: xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx return byte[0]: 1 return byte[1]: 2 method 5 return decimal: 33.3330 method 5 return decimal: -33332.9966 method 5 return decimal: -966.6669 method 5 return decimal: 0.0000 method 5 return decimal: 0.0000 method 5 return decimal: 99999999.0000 method 5 return decimal: -99999999.0000 Integer: Sum of 6 and 9 is: 15 Short: Sum of 6 and 9 is: 15 Long: Sum of 99999 and 88888888 is: 88988887 Float: Sum of 6.123453 and 77777 is: 77783.125 Double: Sum of 6.987654 and 8888888888888.01234 is: 8.888888888894135E12 Time: Old time of 10:05:02 changed to: 11:06:03 cstmt.getBigDecimal(1): 999999999999999.000000000000000 cstmt.getBigDecimal(2): 0.000000000000001 cstmt.getBigDecimal(3): null get the CallableStatement object execute the procedure with LONGVARBINARY execute the procedure with BLOB Select lvbc from Longvarbinary_Tab done testing long varbinary CallableStatement Test Ends