The scripts in the frameworks directory have been deprecated. Please begin using the scripts in the bin directory. The text in this document describes how to convert use of the frameworks scripts to the new scripts in /bin. In most cases, there are two environment variables which need to be set before the scripts in /bin can be used: DERBY_HOME = the path to the location of the Apache Derby installation JAVA_HOME = the path to the location of the Java Development Kit installation, which provides the java executable for your platform. In some cases, the DERBY_OPTS variable needs to be set to include specific JVM system properties in order for the Derby tools to function properly. An alternative to using the set*CP scripts is to add derbyrun.jar from the Derby distribution to your classpath. This will put all of the Derby classes into your classpath. If you would like a minimal classpath that does not include all of the Derby classes and jars, use the set*CP scripts or set the classpath manually. derbyrun.jar can also be used to start the tools without setting any environment variables in your shell if you already have a java executable in your path. To see the syntax for using derbyrun.jar, execute 'java -jar derbyrun.jar' in the /lib directory, or provide the full path to derbyrun.jar, e.g.: java -jar /opt/derby/lib/derbyrun.jar Additional information on using the scripts and derbyrun.jar are provided in the Getting Started guide and the Tools and Utilities guide. frameworks/embedded/bin/dblook(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/dblook(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar dblook'. All dblook command-line arguments can be provided to the new scripts. frameworks/embedded/bin/ij(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/ij(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar ij'. The new scripts in /bin do not set the ij.protocol system property. To set this system property with the new scripts, set the shell environment variable DERBY_OPTS=-Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby: to mimic the behavior of the frameworks scripts. Alternatively, use the PROTOCOL command inside ij to set the protocol to 'jdbc:derby:'. frameworks/embedded/setEmbeddedCP(.bat|.ksh): The new scripts setEmbeddedCP(.sh) perform the same function as the old setEmbeddedCP(.bat|.ksh). Make sure that the DERBY_HOME environment variable is set before calling this script. frameworks/embedded/sysinfo(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/sysinfo(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar sysinfo'. The sysinfo scripts accept arguments to that the frameworks scripts did not. For example, the ClasspathTester, or -cp arguments, are now accepted by the sysinfo scripts in /bin. frameworks/NetworkServer/NetworkServerControl(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/NetworkServerControl(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar server'. As with the frameworks scripts, a usage message with the commands that NetworkServerControl will accept are printed if no arguments are provided. frameworks/NetworkServer/dblook(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/dblook(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar dblook'. As with the previous scripts, the database URL must be provided with the -d option. If you provide no arguments or options, a usage message will be displayed. frameworks/NetworkServer/ij(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/ij(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar ij'. The new scripts in /bin do not set the ij.protocol or ij.driver system properties. To set these properties to ensure that ij uses the network client driver instead of the embedded driver, set the shell environment variable DERBY_OPTS as follows: DERBY_OPTS="-Dij.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby://$IJ_HOST:$IJ_PORT/ -Dij.user=$IJ_USER -Dij.password=$IJ_PASSWORD" where the value of the environment variables that start with IJ_ are as follows: IJ_HOST is the machine name or 'localhost' for the local machine. IJ_PORT is the port on which the Derby network server is listening. IJ_USER is the username used to connect to the network server. IJ_PASSWORD is the password for the user specified in IJ_USER. Setting these properties will mimic the behavior of the frameworks scripts. Alternatively, you can use the PROTOCOL and DRIVER commands to set the values for ij.protocol and ij.driver inside of ij. The username and password must be provided via connection attributes. frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/setNetworkClientCP(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/setNetworkClientCP(.bat). Make sure that the environment variable DERBY_HOME is set before running the script. frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/setNetworkServerCP(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/setNetworkServerCP(.bat). Make sure that the environment variable DERBY_HOME is set before running the script. frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/startNetworkServer(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/startNetworkServer(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar server start'. The port and host parameters can be specified using the -h and -p options. The default is to only accept connections from localhost on port 1527. For more information on configuring the network server, please see the Server and Administration guide. frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/stopNetworkServer(.bat|.ksh): Use /bin/stopNetworkServer(.bat) or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar server stop'. The port and host parameters can be specified using the -h and -p options. The default is to only accept connections from localhost on port 1527. For more information on configuring the network server, please see the Server and Administration guide. frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/sysinfo(.bat|.ksh): Use '/bin/NetworkServerControl sysinfo' or 'java -jar derbyrun.jar server sysinfo'. The network server must be running in order to recieve system information from the server. The port and host parameters can be specified using the -h and -p options. The default is to only accept connections from localhost on port 1527. For more information on configuring the network server, please see the Server and Administration guide.