Changes in Derby 10.2.2 Various bug fixes: DERBY-638 Network driver setTransactionIsolation() causes a commit, but does not complete it locally DERBY-737 SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE should create statistics if they do not exist DERBY-912 OutOfMemory error on continuous execution of SQL statement DERBY-1089 Derby fails inserting a join into a table with a generated column DERBY-1495 Attempt to modify an identity column error after resetting identity column DERBY-1645 ALTER TABLE ... SET INCREMENT BY X... Turns off the "Generated By Default" identity column constraint DERBY-1693 Out of Memory Error with derby.language.logStatementText=true DERBY-1716 Revoking select privilege from a user times out when that user still have a cursor open. DERBY-1732 The language and store systems treat a JVM error such as OutOfMemoryError differently leading to the raw store protocol violation errors DERBY-1847 SELECT statement asserts with XJ001 when attempted to select a newly added column in SQL authorization mode DERBY-1894 SQLSTATE 42X10 occurs when qualifying a column with a synonym in ORDER BY clause DERBY-1940 Removed Ease of Development API DERBY-1967 UNION (ALL) constraint violation problem DERBY-1991 Misleading stack traces for exceptions raised by the JDBC 4.0 embedded driver DERBY-2008 NullPointerException with LTRIM, RTRIM and 2-argument SUBSTR() call in GROUP BY clause. DERBY-2014 NullPointerException with NULLIF in GROUP BY clause DERBY-2015 NullPointerException in INSERT ... SELECT with self-joined table and IDENTITY column DERBY-2030 'set schema sys' followed by 'show tables' does not show tables in sys schema DERBY-2084 getTransactionIsolation() in network client should not activate a transaction