Obtaining the Source and Building the Derby 1.0 UI and Help Plug-ins This document describes how to obtain the source for the Apache Derby 1.0 UI and Help plug-ins for Eclipse. Instructions for importing the source as an Eclipse project and packaging the plug-ins as a zip file are also included. Contents: I. Creating the Apache Derby UI and Help Plug-in Projects II. Creating zip files for the Derby UI and Help Plug-ins via the Project ========================================================================= I. Creating the Apache Derby UI and Help Plug-in projects: 1) Check out the source for the UI and Help plug-ins via SVN (Subversion). Refer to the detailed instructions on readying your environment to check out any Derby source here: http://db.apache.org/derby/derby_downloads.html To check out the entire development trunk use this command: svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/derby/code/trunk/ This includes the source for both the UI and Help plugins. If you want to check out only the UI and Help plugins, and not the entire Derby source code issue this command instead: svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/derby/code/trunk/plugins 2) Install Eclipse 3.x and the JDK needed 3) Install the Apache Derby 10.1.0 Eclipse Core plug-in from: http://db.apache.org/derby/derby_downloads.html It is available as a zip file: for example; derby_core_plugin_10.1.0.178324.zip Unzip this file into the directory where the eclipse executable is located. For instance, if Eclipse is installed in C:\eclipse, unzip the Derby Core plug-in zip file to C:\eclipse. 4) Invoke the Eclipse IDE, provide an appropriate location as the workspace for example: c:\derby\plugin 5) Import the Apache Derby UI project: File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace - Click Next - Click Browse and point to the "org.apache.derby.ui" directory (created in Step 1, which is under the plugins/eclipse directory where you checked out the source) - Click Finish 6) Switch to the Plug-in perspective Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Select Plug-in Development 7) To invoke and test the Apache Derby UI Plug-in in this development environment Run ->Run As -> Eclipse Application (Eclipse 3.1) OR Run --> Run As --> Run-time Workbench (Eclipse 3.0) An alternate way would be to open the plugin.xml and select the 'Launch a runtime workbench' link. This will open a new Eclipse window with all the current plug-ins under development in its environment. Follow steps 4 - 7 as above for creating the Help plug-in project, substituting org.apache.derby.plugin.doc for org.apache.derby.ui. ================================================================================ II. Creating zip files for the Derby UI and Help Plug-ins via the Project In order to install the plug-ins easily in another Eclipse environment creating a zip file is useful. To create a zip file for the UI plug-in: 1) From within the Plug-in Development perspective, right-click the org.apache.derby.ui project. Select Export --> Deployable plug-ins and fragments, then the Next button. 2) In the Export Plug-ins and Fragments window select the org.apache.derby.ui project listed in the Available Plug-ins and Fragments text area. For the Export Options section select Deploy as: a single ZIP file. Click the Build Options button. Check any options desired from the Build Options Preferences window and then click OK. 3) Browse to a Destination where you would like to put the zip file and name it org.apache.derby.ui_1.0.0.zip to represent the name and version of the plug-in. 4) Finally, click Finish. 5) To install in another Eclipse installation unzip this file in the base directory of the Eclipse installation. To create a zip file for the Doc plug-in: 1) From within the Plug-in Development perspective, right-click the org.apache.derby.plugin.doc project. Select Export --> Zip file. 2) In the Export Zip file window select the org.apache.derby.plugin.doc project listed in the left frame. In the right frame uncheck the .project and build.properties files. 3) Browse to a Destination where you would like to put the zip file and name it org.apache.derby.plugin.doc_1.0.0.zip to represent the name and version of the plug-in. 4) Finally, click Finish. 5) Note that the documentation zip files' base directory is org.apache.derby.plugin.doc and therefore must be unzipped in the plug-ins directory.