/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ interface TypedefIf { // "typedef" // // ::= | // typedef float myFloat; typedef double myDouble; typedef long double myLongDouble; typedef short myShort; typedef long myLong; typedef long long myLongLong; typedef unsigned short myUnsignedShort; typedef unsigned long myUnsignedLong; typedef unsigned long long myUnsignedLongLong; typedef char myChar; typedef wchar myWChar; typedef boolean myBoolean; typedef octet myOctet; typedef any myAny; // typedef sequence SeqLong; typedef string aString; typedef string<10> aBoundedString; typedef fixed<5,2> Fixed52; typedef SeqLong mySeqLong; typedef aString myString; typedef aBoundedString myBoundedString; typedef Fixed52 myFixed52; // typedef struct aStruct { myLong aStructMyLong; long aLong; } myStruct; typedef enum aEnum { aEnum1, aEnum2 } myEnum; typedef union aUnion switch (myEnum) { case aEnum1: myLong aUnionMyLong; case aEnum2: long aUnionLong; default: myBoolean aUnionMyBoolean; } myUnion; struct anotherStruct { myLong myOtherLong; long anotherLong; }; typedef anotherStruct myOtherStruct; enum anotherEnum { anotherEnum1, anotherEnum2 }; typedef anotherEnum myOtherEnum; union anotherUnion switch (myOtherEnum) { case anotherEnum1: myLong anotherUnionMyLong; case anotherEnum2: long anotherUnionLong; default: myBoolean anotherUnionMyBoolean; }; typedef anotherUnion myOtherUnion; void opIn( in myFloat inMyFloat, in myDouble inMyDouble, in myLongDouble inMyLongDouble, in myShort inMyShort, in myLong inMyLong, in myLongLong inMyLongLong, in myUnsignedShort inMyUnsignedShort, in myUnsignedLong inMyUnsignedLong, in myUnsignedLongLong inMyUnsignedLongLong, in myChar inMyChar, in myWChar inMyWChar, in myBoolean inMyBoolean, in myOctet inMyOctet, in myAny inMyAny, in mySeqLong inMySeqLong, in myString inMyString, in myBoundedString inMyBoundedString, in myFixed52 inMyFixed52, in myStruct inMyStruct, in myEnum inMyEnum, in myUnion inMyUnion, in myOtherStruct inMyOtherStruct, in myOtherEnum inMyOtherEnum, in myOtherUnion inMyOtherUnion ); void opOut( out myFloat outMyFloat, out myDouble outMyDouble, out myLongDouble outMyLongDouble, out myShort outMyShort, out myLong outMyLong, out myLongLong outMyLongLong, out myUnsignedShort outMyUnsignedShort, out myUnsignedLong outMyUnsignedLong, out myUnsignedLongLong outMyUnsignedLongLong, out myChar outMyChar, out myWChar outMyWChar, out myBoolean outMyBoolean, out myOctet outMyOctet, out myAny outMyAny, out mySeqLong outMySeqLong, out myString outMyString, out myBoundedString outMyBoundedString, out myFixed52 outMyFixed52, out myStruct outMyStruct, out myEnum outMyEnum, out myUnion outMyUnion, out myOtherStruct outMyOtherStruct, out myOtherEnum outMyOtherEnum, out myOtherUnion outMyOtherUnion ); void opInOut( inout myFloat inoutMyFloat, inout myDouble inoutMyDouble, inout myLongDouble inoutMyLongDouble, inout myShort inoutMyShort, inout myLong inoutMyLong, inout myLongLong inoutMyLongLong, inout myUnsignedShort inoutMyUnsignedShort, inout myUnsignedLong inoutMyUnsignedLong, inout myUnsignedLongLong inoutMyUnsignedLongLong, inout myChar inoutMyChar, inout myWChar inoutMyWChar, inout myBoolean inoutMyBoolean, inout myOctet inoutMyOctet, inout myAny inoutMyAny, inout mySeqLong inoutMySeqLong, inout myString inoutMyString, inout myBoundedString inoutMyBoundedString, inout myFixed52 inoutMyFixed52, inout myStruct inoutMyStruct, inout myEnum inoutMyEnum, inout myUnion inoutMyUnion, inout myOtherStruct inoutMyOtherStruct, inout myOtherEnum inoutMyOtherEnum, inout myOtherUnion inoutMyOtherUnion ); };