Apache CXF 2.5.1 Release Notes 1. Overview The 2.5.x versions of Apache CXF are significant new versions of CXF that provides several new features and enhancements. New features include: * New enterprise ready Security Token Service (see sts sample) * New WS-Notification service (see ws_notification sample) * Initial WS-MedadataExchange support * WS-RM 1.1 support * Initial OAuth support for JAX-RS (see oauth sample) * New karaf command * Enhanced OSGi support include workqueue and JMX configurations Users are encourage to review the migration guide at: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/25-migration-guide.html for further information and requirements for upgrading to 2.5.x. 2.5.1 fixes over 75 JIRA issues reported by users and the community. 2. Installation Prerequisites Before installing Apache CXF, make sure the following products, with the specified versions, are installed on your system: * Java 5 Development Kit * Apache Maven 2.2.1 or 3.x to build the samples 3. Integrating CXF Into You Application If you use Maven to build your application, you need merely add appropriate dependencies. See the pom.xml files in the samples. If you don't use Maven, you'll need to add one or more jars to your classpath. The file lib/WHICH_JARS should help you decide which jars you need. 4. Building the Samples Building the samples included in the binary distribution is easy. Change to the samples directory and follow the build instructions in the README.txt file included with each sample. 5. Reporting Problems If you have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the CXF dev list, dev@cxf.apache.org. You can also file issues in JIRA at: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF 6. Migration notes: See the migration guide at: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/25-migration-guide.html for caveats when upgrading from CXF 2.4.x to 2.5.x. 7. Specific issues, features, and improvements fixed in this version ** Sub-task * [CXF-2880] - Add required features * [CXF-2881] - Add unit tests and refactor code * [CXF-2882] - Add JavaDocs, documentation and tutorial how to configure log browser in user's application * [CXF-2883] - Add optional features * [CXF-2987] - Add search capabilities * [CXF-3940] - A SAML Token requested OnBehalfOf should hide the actual requestor and should only contain the OnBehalfOf Identity ** Bug * [CXF-3666] - Wrong code in MessageBodyWriter example * [CXF-3719] - NullPointerException When using TransformOutInterceptor * [CXF-3836] - Missing output parameters in wrapped method implementations generate NPE * [CXF-3867] - Fix for CXF-1816 causes startup performance regression * [CXF-3891] - WSDL2JS Null Pointer Exception * [CXF-3897] - Better handling on invalid JAXRS '_type' parameter * [CXF-3900] - InjectionUtils do not handle correctly collections inside query bean * [CXF-3903] - WADL contains wrong parameter names for multipart/form-data * [CXF-3904] - CXF and Java 7 * [CXF-3905] - The archetype is missing * [CXF-3908] - ExceptionMappers for IOExceptions thrown by JAX-RS MessageBodyReaders are ignored * [CXF-3911] - Exception mapping not applied to exceptions thrown from providers mapping data to brans * [CXF-3912] - Add an archetype for jax-rs * [CXF-3916] - partial response problem with SOAP 1.1 use of WS-Addressing * [CXF-3920] - transportUri in SoapindingInfo is http even when jms is used * [CXF-3925] - WebFaultOutInterceptor expects the Fault. * [CXF-3929] - Present realm ignored by TokenValidateOperation for TokenValidator * [CXF-3931] - STS SAMLTokenValidator doesn't validate condition * [CXF-3934] - JaxWsClientProxy clears stacktrace of custom exception * [CXF-3937] - UriInfo does not report base address correctly in some cases * [CXF-3938] - JAX-RS Contexts are not available to MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter providers at the selection stage * [CXF-3939] - UriInfo returns the list of matched uris and resources in the wrong order * [CXF-3941] - WADLgenerator ignores Description annotation targeting the input parameter if it is set inside a method-level Descriptions annotation * [CXF-3942] - CounterRepository cannot be assigned to a named bus * [CXF-3946] - causes exception due to immutable Map being used in JAXBElementProvider * [CXF-3947] - AbstractBeanDefinitionParser loses Bus names * [CXF-3951] - Spring and blueprint silently create named busses when needed * [CXF-3953] - wadl2java doesn't find types with underscore in their name * [CXF-3956] - JAX-WS HandlerResolver consulted for ServiceImpl.createPort, but not for createDispatch * [CXF-3958] - Unmarshalling error when using collections of subtypes with the StaxTransformFeature and 'out' transformations * [CXF-3959] - CXF JAX-WS: @PostConstruct methods invoked twice in Spring-based projects * [CXF-3961] - SoapTransportFactory: confused exception by unknown transport protocol * [CXF-3962] - When using spring/spring-dm servers are started before the bus is initialized * [CXF-3964] - Codegen plugin tries to use classes dir as wsdl * [CXF-3966] - When client sends invalid XML, JAX-RS returns 500 instead of 4xx * [CXF-3968] - WSDLToJava Error: ...is already defined at... when referencing deployed wsdl * [CXF-3969] - WrapperStyleNameCollisionValidator doesn't take the -bareMethods flag into consideration * [CXF-3973] - Making non-default bus instances also appear in the JMX monitoring ** Improvement * [CXF-3040] - Upgrade to XMLBeans 2.5.0 * [CXF-3380] - JAX-RS: Support writing to DataSources * [CXF-3831] - Provide deploy-to-Tomcat options for Java-first and WSDL-first examples * [CXF-3893] - CXF uses wsdl4j implementation classes * [CXF-3894] - Improve the logging support for RequestDispatcherProvider and FormUtils in case of form values stored as http request parameters * [CXF-3895] - add support for Jetty's password obfuscation methods * [CXF-3901] - Pick up Features from OSGi * [CXF-3902] - Simplify WADL queries * [CXF-3914] - [workqueue] reuse StringBuilder for all concat operations * [CXF-3921] - Making RMTxStore's table exists error state/code configurable * [CXF-3924] - Support to configure keystore per SAML realm * [CXF-3926] - Supporting JAXWS Provider's null response handling (the provider's invoke may return a null to indicate no response should be sent back) * [CXF-3928] - Add token validation for OnBehalfOf element in TokenIssueOperation * [CXF-3930] - Extend ClaimsHandler interface to pass current realm and WebServiceContext * [CXF-3933] - Introduce an exception class for reporting problems encountered during reading the multiparts * [CXF-3936] - Update Multipart annotation to indicate that null should optionally represent a missing multipart part * [CXF-3943] - Support CORS in JAX-RS * [CXF-3960] - Patch for InitiatorSignatureToken Support in WS-Policy definition * [CXF-3965] - Enhancement of the exception message when configuring the schema location in the jaxws endpoint. * [CXF-3967] - OAuth Tokens need to be able to keep the end-user name used to authorize the client request * [CXF-3970] - Patch: InitiatorEncryptionToken, RecipientSignatureToken, RecipientEncryptionToken support in WS Sec Policy * [CXF-3971] - SpringBus.getId() may fail to determine the symbolic bundle name * [CXF-3974] - Clean up the servlet dependency of CXF systest * [CXF-3975] - Consolidate ws-rm configuration schema for spring and blueprint ** New Feature * [CXF-3225] - Add support for saml tokens in sp:InitiatorToken * [CXF-3913] - Blueprint WS-RM * [CXF-3922] - Support for KerberosToken in RST if LdapClaimsHandler used * [CXF-3923] - Support for OnBehalfOf in SAMLTokenProvider * [CXF-3950] - Add XMLInstruction annotation to simplify adding DOCType and custom processing instructions ** Task * [CXF-1243] - Resolve JBoss common jax-ws testsuite issues * [CXF-3892] - upgrade to servicemix specs 1.9.0 ** Wish * [CXF-3915] - [OSGi] Redeploy bundle with shared bus cause warning