Hello World Client Demo using JavaScript ======================================== The client demo demonstrates the use of (non-browser) JavaScript to call a CXF server. The client side makes call using JAX-WS APIs. It uses the Mozilla Rhino library to read the JavaScript file and run it. This demo only implements the client-side logic, and relies on the server provided by the wsdl_first demo. Building and running the demo server using ant ---------------------------------------------- From the samples/wsdl_first directory, the Ant build.xml file can be used to build and run the demo. Using either UNIX or Windows: ant build ant server (in the background or another window) To remove the code generated from the WSDL file and the .class files, run: ant clean Running the JavaScript client ----------------------------- In another command line window, run the ant "client" target from the build.xml file located in the same directory as this README. Using either UNIX or Windows: ant client When running the client, you can terminate the server process by issuing Ctrl-C in its command window. The client will show this output: invoke sayHi(). return Bonjour invoke greetMe(String). return Hello Jeff The same time, the server will give this output: [java] Executing operation sayHi [java] Executing operation greetMe [java] Message received: Jeff