HELLO WORLD (SOAP OVER HTTP) CXF J2EE DEMO ============================================ ============================================ This demo will show how to connect with an Apache CXF Web service using a Servlet deployed in an application server. Running the Demo ================ There are a number of steps required to successfully run this demo application: . Update jboss endorsed jars . Launch the application server . Deploy the CXF J2EE Connector . Build the demo . Deploy the web application to the application server . Launch the CXF Server . Accessing the web application Update Jboss endorsed jars ========================== (Unix) % cd $CXF_HOME/lib/ % cp activation-1.1.jar jaxb-api-2.0.jar jaxb-impl-2.0.3.jar jaxb-xjc-2.0.3.jar jsr173_api-1.0.jar jsr181-api-2.0-JAXWS-2.0-EA3.jar saaj-api-1.3.jar saaj-impl-1.3.jar /lib/endorsed\ (Windows) > cd %CXF_HOME%\lib\ > copy activation-1.1.jar jaxb-api-2.0.jar jaxb-impl-2.0.3.jar jaxb-xjc-2.0.3.jar jsr173_api-1.0.jar jsr181-api-2.0-JAXWS-2.0-EA3.jar saaj-api-1.3.jar saaj-impl-1.3.jar \lib\endorsed\ Launch the application server ============================= The demo requires an application server. Make sure you have a running instance of an application server. Deploy the Apache CXF J2EE Connector =============================== The Apache CXF J2EE Connector must be deployed to the application server before running the demo. A single resource adapter deployment will be shared by all of the demos, so this step need only be completed once. How to deploy the Apache CXF J2EE Connector is dependent on your application server. Please consult your vendor documentation on connector deployment. Here are basic instructions to deploy the connector in JBoss application servers. JBoss ----- Copy the connector RAR from its location in the Apache CXF installation to the JBoss deployment directory. (Unix) % cd $CXF_HOME/lib/ % cp CXF.rar \ /server/default/deploy (Windows) > cd %CXF_HOME%\lib\ > copy cxf.rar \server\default\deploy Copy the cxf_j2ee_1_5-ds.xml file to the JBoss deployment directory. (Unix) % cp ./etc/cxfj2ee_1_5-ds.xml /server/default/deploy (Windows) > copy .\etc\cxfj2ee_1_5-ds.xml \server\default\deploy Building the Demo ================= Building the demo requires that there is a JDK available and that the Apache CXF environment is correctly set. Before building this demo, build common dir first. (Unix) % cd common % ant (Windows) > cd common > ant The demo may be built from the directory hello_world_soap_http. Issue the command: (Unix) % ant (Windows) > ant Launch the Apache CXF Service ======================== Run the Apache CXF service provided by the basic/hello_world_soap_http demo. To launch the service: 1. Move into the sample/hello_world/ directory. 2. Start it_container and deploy a C++ Web service into it. Issue the command: (Unix) % ant server (Windows) > ant server See hello_world/README.txt file for full details. Deploying the demo WAR archive ============================== How to deploy a WAR archive is dependent on your application server. Please consult your vendor documentation on application deployment. Here are basic instructions to deploy the demo application for JBoss, WebLogic and WebSphere application servers. JBoss ----- Copy the WAR archive ./build/lib/helloworld.war to the JBoss deployment directory. (Unix) % cp ./build/lib/helloworld.war \ /server/default/deploy (Windows) > copy .\build\lib\helloworld.war \server\default\deploy Accessing the web application ============================= Using a web browser access the URI below corresponding to your application server. (These URI assume that the application server is running in the same machine as the web browser) JBoss ----- http://localhost:8080/helloworld/*.do The web application provides a simple Web front-end to the Hello World Application. command-line ------------ We can also running a client in command-line. (Unix) % ant client (Windows) > ant client