SOAP/JMS Specification Transport Demo using Document-Literal Style ================================================================== This sample demonstrates use of the Document-Literal style binding over SOAP/JMS Specification Transport. In this sample the JMS configuration in placed in the wsdl:binding section but note it can also be placed in the wsdl:service section (with anything in wsdl:binding overriding it) and/or the wsdl:port section (where it will override anything placed in wsdl:binding and wsdl:service). Please review the README in the samples directory before continuing. This demo uses ActiveMQ as the JMS implementation for illustration purposes only. Building and running the demo using Maven --------------------------------------- From the base directory of this sample (i.e., where this README file is located), using either UNIX or Windows: Using either UNIX or Windows: mvn install (this will build the demo) In separate command windows/shells: mvn mvn -Pserver mvn -Pclient To remove the code generated from the WSDL file and the .class files, run "mvn clean".