Curator 5.0 Breaking Changes
Curator 5.0 contains a few non-backward compatible/breaking changes from previous versions.
- ZooKeeper 3.4.x is no longer supported (the associated Compatibility classes/methods have been removed). If you still need to use Curator with ZooKeeper 3.4.x you will need to use a previous version. Click here for details.
- The old ListenerContainer classes have been removed so as not to leak Guava classes into Curator APIs. Instead use the new StandardListenerManager.
- Exhibitor support has been removed.
- ConnectionHandlingPolicy and related classes have been removed.
- The Reaper and ChildReaper classes/recipes have been removed. You should use ZooKeeper container nodes instead.
- newPersistentEphemeralNode() and newPathChildrenCache() were removed from GroupMember.
- ServiceCacheBuilder<T> executorService(CloseableExecutorService executorService) was removed from ServiceCacheBuilder.
- ServiceProviderBuilder<T> executorService(CloseableExecutorService executorService) was removed from ServiceProviderBuilder.
- static boolean shouldRetry(int rc) was removed from RetryLoop.
- static boolean isRetryException(Throwable exception) was removed from RetryLoop.