package; /** * This annotator consumes two kinds of dictionary hits - Term and Location (ex: 'Occlusion' and 'Iliac artery') * to create a PADHit annotation. Default implementation supports 2 cases: (a) look for adjacent * term and location, meaning with stop words separating them (b) look for term and location * that fall in a certain window made up of certain annotation types - both of which are defined * in the descriptor file. */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.uima.UimaContext; import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.apache.uima.cas.CASException; import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JFSIndexRepository; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray; import org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation; import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException; import edu.mayo.bmi.uima.core.resource.FileResource; import edu.mayo.bmi.uima.core.type.syntax.WordToken; import edu.mayo.bmi.uima.pad.type.PADHit; import edu.mayo.bmi.uima.pad.type.PADLocation; import edu.mayo.bmi.uima.pad.type.PADTerm; import edu.mayo.bmi.uima.pad.util.JCasUtil; public class PADHitAnnotator extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase { public static Logger iv_logger = Logger.getLogger(PADHitAnnotator.class); /** * Part 1 of the pair (of annotations) that makes up a hit */ public static String ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_OF_PAIR = "ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_OF_PAIR"; /** * Part 2 of the pair (of annotations) that makes up a hit */ public static String ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_OF_PAIR = "ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_OF_PAIR"; /** * Count of annotations defined by DISTANCE_ANN_TYPE between * {@link #ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_OF_PAIR} and {@link #ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_OF_PAIR} **/ public static String DISTANCE = "DISTANCE"; /** * Annotation type that is used to count the distance. */ public static String DISTANCE_ANN_TYPE = "DISTANCE_ANN_TYPE"; /** * Annotation type that defines the boundary within which the dictionary hits should be present. */ public static String BOUNDARY_ANN_TYPE = "BOUNDARY_ANN_TYPE"; /** * Annotation type that defines a backup boundary within which the dictionary hits should be present. * This backup boundary will be used if no boundary annotations are present */ public static String BACKUP_BOUNDARY_ANN_TYPE = "BACKUP_BOUNDARY_ANN_TYPE"; /** * Flag to specify whether to filter out negated hits identified for ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_OF_PAIR */ public static String ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_FILTEROUT_NEGATED = "ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_FILTEROUT_NEGATED"; /** * Flag to specify whether to filter out negated hits identified for ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_OF_PAIR */ public static String ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_FILTEROUT_NEGATED = "ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_FILTEROUT_NEGATED"; /** * List of type ids to be ignored from being considered as hits. Note these type ids are ids specified * in the CSV dictionaries. */ public static String ANN_PART_ONE_TYPES_TO_IGNORE = "ANN_PART_ONE_TYPES_TO_IGNORE"; /** * List of type ids to be ignored from being considered as hits. Note these type ids are ids specified * in the CSV dictionaries. */ public static String ANN_PART_TWO_TYPES_TO_IGNORE = "ANN_PART_TWO_TYPES_TO_IGNORE"; public static int NO_WINDOW_SIZE_SPECIFIED = -1; public static int NO_ANNOTATION_TYPE_SPECIFIED = -1; public void initialize(UimaContext aCtx) throws ResourceInitializationException { try { super.initialize(aCtx); termAndLocation = new ArrayList(); term = new ArrayList(); location = new ArrayList(); boundaryAnns = new ArrayList(); ignoreP1Types = new ArrayList(); ignoreP2Types = new ArrayList(); FileResource resrcStopWords = (FileResource) aCtx.getResourceObject(STOP_WORDS_FILE); File stopWordsFile = resrcStopWords.getFile(); //gather annotation types that will be used in pairs annotationPartOneOfPair = (String)aCtx.getConfigParameterValue(ANNOTATION_PART_ONE_OF_PAIR); annotationPartTwoOfPair = (String)aCtx.getConfigParameterValue(ANNOTATION_PART_TWO_OF_PAIR); //gather annotation types to be ignored from being considered as hits Integer[] ignorep1 = (Integer[])aCtx.getConfigParameterValue(ANN_PART_ONE_TYPES_TO_IGNORE); Integer[] ignorep2 = (Integer[])aCtx.getConfigParameterValue(ANN_PART_TWO_TYPES_TO_IGNORE); for(int i=0;ignorep1 != null && i currAnn.getEnd() && window.getEnd() > prevAnn.getEnd()) return true; } return false; } /** * checks if the passed annotations are of the same type. * @param currAnn * @param ann * @return */ private boolean areSameUAType(Annotation currAnn, Annotation ann) { if(currAnn.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ann.getClass().getName())) return true; return false; } private void init() { term.clear(); location.clear(); termAndLocation.clear(); boundaryAnns.clear(); } /** * Checks if the annotations passed are adjacent to each other and are instances of * PADLocation and PADTerm. * @param jcas * @param prevAnn * @param currAnn */ private void processTermAndLocation(JCas jcas, Annotation prevAnn, Annotation currAnn) { if(iv_logger.getLevel() == Level.DEBUG) iv_logger.debug("Processing term and loc["+prevAnn.getCoveredText()+"] currAnn["+currAnn.getCoveredText()+"]"); if(isAdjacentWithWindowSize(jcas, prevAnn, currAnn, iAnnotationType, iWindowSize)) { boolean isHit = false; PADLocation ual = null; PADTerm uat = null; if((prevAnn != null && prevAnn instanceof PADLocation) && (currAnn != null && currAnn instanceof PADTerm)) { ual = (PADLocation)prevAnn; uat = (PADTerm)currAnn; isHit = true; } else if((prevAnn != null && prevAnn instanceof PADTerm) && (currAnn != null && currAnn instanceof PADLocation)) { uat = (PADTerm)prevAnn; ual = (PADLocation)currAnn; isHit = true; } //TODO: I think stand alones are checked in one other place too. else if( prevAnn != null) { //standalone = 1 implies stand alone hit if(prevAnn instanceof PADTerm && ((PADTerm)prevAnn).getIsStandAlone() == 1) { uat = (PADTerm)prevAnn; ual = null; isHit = true; } else if(prevAnn instanceof PADLocation && ((PADLocation)prevAnn).getIsStandAlone() == 1) { ual = (PADLocation)prevAnn; uat = null; isHit = true; } } if(isHit) { PADHit uah = new PADHit(jcas); uah.setUaLocation(ual); uah.setUaTerm(uat); uah.addToIndexes(); } } } /** * Checks to see of the two annotations are adjacent to each other in which case returns true. * This method also returns a true if the NEs just have stop words between them. * @param jcas * @param prevAnn * @param currAnn * @return */ private boolean isAdjacentWithStopWords(JCas jcas, Annotation prevAnn, Annotation currAnn) { WordToken prevWta = getLastToken(prevAnn); WordToken currWta = getFirstToken(currAnn); if(prevWta == null || currWta == null) return false; if(prevWta.getTokenNumber() == (currWta.getTokenNumber() - 1)) return true; List containedWTAs = getContainedWordTokens(jcas, prevWta, currWta); for(int i=0; i annotItr = indexes.getAnnotationIndex(annType).iterator(); while(annotItr.hasNext()) { Annotation tempAnn = (Annotation); //ann is between prev and curr annotations if(tempAnn.getBegin() >= prevAnn.getEnd() && tempAnn.getEnd() <= currAnn.getBegin()) count++; } return (count>0?count:-1); } /** * * @param jcas * @param prevWta * @param currWta * @return */ private List getContainedWordTokens(JCas jcas, WordToken prevWta, WordToken currWta) { List list = new ArrayList(); JFSIndexRepository indexes = jcas.getJFSIndexRepository(); Iterator annotItr = indexes.getAnnotationIndex(WordToken.type).iterator(); while (annotItr.hasNext()) { WordToken wta = (WordToken); if(wta.getBegin() >= prevWta.getEnd() && wta.getEnd() <= currWta.getBegin()) list.add(wta); } return list; } private List getTokens(Annotation ann) { List l = new ArrayList(); if(ann instanceof PADLocation) { FSArray fsa = (((PADLocation)ann).getRelatedTokens()); for(int i=0; fsa!= null && i0) wta = (WordToken)fsa.get(0); } if(ann instanceof PADTerm) { FSArray fsa = (((PADTerm)ann).getRelatedTokens()); if(fsa!= null && fsa.size()>0) wta = (WordToken)fsa.get(0); } if(wta == null) { System.err.println("Error:"); System.err.println("["+((ann!=null)?ann.getCoveredText():"")+"] does not have Word Token - "+getClass().getName()); } return wta; } private WordToken getLastToken(Annotation ann) { WordToken wta = null; if(ann instanceof PADLocation) { FSArray fsa = (((PADLocation)ann).getRelatedTokens()); for(int i=0;(fsa!= null && i annotItr = indexes.getAnnotationIndex(iBoundaryAnnType).iterator(); if(!annotItr.hasNext()) annotItr = indexes.getAnnotationIndex(iBackupBoundaryAnnType).iterator(); while(annotItr.hasNext()) boundaryAnns.add(; } private void gatherPairPartOne(JCas jcas, boolean filterOutNegated) throws CASException { JFSIndexRepository indexes = jcas.getJFSIndexRepository(); //process all PADTerms Iterator annotItr = indexes.getAnnotationIndex(iAnnTypePartOneOfPair).iterator(); //if terms present store them while(annotItr.hasNext()) { PADTerm uaTerm = (PADTerm); if((uaTerm.getPolarity()<0 && filterOutNegated) || isInIgnoreTypesPartOne(uaTerm))//negated, so get next { + " ignoring because negated"); continue; } storePartOneHit(uaTerm); } } private void gatherPairPartTwo(JCas jcas, boolean filterOutNegated) throws CASException { JFSIndexRepository indexes = jcas.getJFSIndexRepository(); //process all PADTerms Iterator annotItr = indexes.getAnnotationIndex(iAnnTypePartTwoOfPair).iterator(); //if terms present store them while(annotItr.hasNext()) { PADLocation uaLoc = (PADLocation); if((uaLoc.getPolarity()<0 && filterOutNegated) || isInIgnoreTypesPartTwo(uaLoc))//negated, so get next { + " ignoring because negated"); continue; } storePartTwoHit(uaLoc); } } private boolean isInIgnoreTypesPartOne(PADTerm uaTerm) { for(int i=0; i(); FileReader fr = new FileReader(stopWordsFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); while((line = br.readLine())!= null) { String stopWord = line.trim(); stopWords.add(stopWord); } } private void sortHits() { HitComparator hc = new HitComparator(); Collections.sort(term, hc); Collections.sort(location, hc); Collections.sort(termAndLocation, hc); Collections.sort(boundaryAnns,hc); } class HitComparator implements java.util.Comparator { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Annotation a1 = (Annotation)o1; Annotation a2 = (Annotation)o2; return a1.getEnd() - a2.getBegin(); } } private List term; //list containing all term annotations private List location; //list containing all location annotations private List termAndLocation; //all terms and locations sorted by offset private List stopWords; //contains all stop words from a resource private List boundaryAnns; //contains all boundary annotations private List ignoreP1Types; //contains all type ids (string representation of numbers) to be ignored for part 1 private List ignoreP2Types; //contains all type ids (string representation of numbers) to be ignored for part 2 private final String STOP_WORDS_FILE = "StopWordsFile"; private boolean partOneFilterOutNegated = true; //flag to specify whether or not to filter out negated hits, default filter out private boolean partTwoFilterOutNegated = true; //flag to specify whether or not to filter out negated hits, default filter out private int iWindowSize = NO_WINDOW_SIZE_SPECIFIED; //window size to identify pair of annotations as related private int iAnnotationType = NO_ANNOTATION_TYPE_SPECIFIED; //type used to define a window private int iBoundaryAnnType = NO_ANNOTATION_TYPE_SPECIFIED; //type used to define boundary across which pairs cannot exist. /** * backup type used to define boundary across which pairs cannot exist. */ private int iBackupBoundaryAnnType = NO_ANNOTATION_TYPE_SPECIFIED; private int iAnnTypePartOneOfPair; //part one class type of the annotation that makes up the pair private int iAnnTypePartTwoOfPair; //part two class type of the annotation that makes up the pair private String annotationPartOneOfPair = ""; private String annotationPartTwoOfPair = ""; }