Title: Apache cTAKES - PPMC FAQs Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ### What is the PMC? The Project Management Committee (PMC) is the government of the project. The committee is responsible for the project and decides what to do and which direction to go.
(See [here][1] for more information.) ### How to participate? First of all you have to think how you want to participate as we have different kind of roles like user, developer, Committer. The easiest way is to use what we build as a user. If you want to improve parts of the software, or documentation, write to our [mailing lists][2] what should be modified and how it should be done. The following are conditions to become a Committer: 1. You have sent in patches that were well-respected to improve the software. 2. You have added documentation to the Wiki or website that were well-respected to improve the non-code part of the project. 3. You have shown that you can discuss in the mailing lists and that this has brought us forward. 4. You are well known to the established members, who you are and what you have done in the past. Regarding this project, a former-one or another project. If 1 of the 4 statements above are true, then you can be voted in as Committer and should start the process. For more information from Apache Software foundation read their [Guide To Participation](http://incubator.apache.org/guides/participation.html). ###I'd like to start the process to become a Committer After working with the cTAKES community for a little bit and people know you, you can express your desire to any PMC member and have them bring it up to the PMC via the private mailing lists. The PMC will vote on inviting you to be a Committer. When the vote result is positive, you will be asked to follow the new Committer process below. ###I've just been voted in as a Committer. What do I need to do? First, congratulations. Your contributions to the project have been noted and we hope that as a Committer you will be even more active. But before you are officially given Committer permissions, there are a few administrative steps to complete. The following is a brief summary of what to expect as Committer: 1. Submit a signed [ICLA](http://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.txt) (individual Contributor License Agreement) to Apache. This could take a couple of days, longer if you submitted the ICLA via post. You can check when this has occurred when your name appears in the [Unlisted ICLAs](http://people.apache.org/committer-index.html#unlistedclas) section on the Apache Committers page. **Important**: The e-mail address you provide in your iCLA will be used for the following communications with you. Please note that there is also a [Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA)][3] if you want/have to commit in the name of a company or organization. 2. Once the your ICLA has been recorded, you should send a note to the [cTAKES PMC](mailto:private@ctakes.apache.org) to request an Apache account. You must include your **full name** and **email address**, as you entered in the ICLA, as well as your **preferred user ID**. Please [check first](http://people.apache.org/committer-index.html) that your preferred user ID is not already in use by another Apache Committer or provide a list in priority order of the user IDs that you prefer. For example, Your name is "John Doe", so an ID could be "johnd" or "jdoe". 3. You will receive an e-mail, from "root@apache.org", that confirms the Apache user ID for you, provides you with an initial password, and gives further instructions including how to change your password. Please be patient as this email can take some days. 4. The user ID will also be your Apache e-mail address. Note that an email account will be set up to forward all received emails to the e-mail address you supplied on your iCLA. It is not a normal email account but just for forwarding. After you have the account there is also a way to associate your Apache email address with additional email addresses that you have. (**ToDo**: Add a link to a how-to) 5. If you were also voted as a PMC member, you should then [subscribe](mailto:private-subscribe@ctakes.apache.org) to the PMC's private mailing list. 6. The user ID will allow you to check-in changes and new additions on the Apache SVN repository for the cTAKES repository. The ability to check-in material on the SVN repository is important for more than just code. All Committers will have a use for it. 7. Once your user ID is working you should add your name to the [people](/people.html) in this community. This might be the first test of your ability to change this web site's pages. you'll find an answer to that in another question on this page. 8. The ID and password will allow you to login to a personal Unix account on the Apache server "people.apache.org". You can produce a personal website at this account as well as use it as a regular Unix (specifically, FreeBSD) account. You do not need to be able to use this account. You may find it useful as you become more accomplished as a Committer. 9. Being a Committer also grants access to some non-public resources and mailing lists. There are details in the [private Committers SVN tree][4]. 10. If you do not already have a login for the [Apache cTAKES wiki][5] (the Confluence documentation), you should [acquire][6] a user ID on that wiki in order to contribute to documentation. All committers should get write access. Send a email to dev@ and they will be able to grant you the necessary permissions. 11. Jira Access: If you do not already have a Jira ID (separate login), feel free to create one via [Jira][7]. If you need special write/admin permissions, send a email to dev@ and they will be able to grant you the necessary permissions. ### How and when to vote? Voting is done when a formal decision has to be made or due to legal reasons, e.g., to vote in new members as committers. In any case avoid voting as the normal way is to come to a decision by discussions. The initiator is responsible for the vote, that means also to count the votes and present the result. Every member has 1 vote.
(See [here][8] for more information.) ###How do I edit this website? The quickest and most common way is to use the Apache CMS (wmd editor) from your browser. Editing this web site is different than editing the Confluence cTAKES documentation. If you are a committer, make a new bookmark titled: Apache CMS Editor" and then enter its address as this string without the double quotes, "javascript:void(location.href='https://cms.apache.org/redirect?uri='+escape(location.href))". Once your bookmark is ready, while viewing a page (including this one) just click on the bookmark. You will enter the edit/commit/publish environment. Tips on the less obvious: - If you are not a Committer, you can still use the same bookmark by signing in as *anonymous*. See detailed how-to steps in the [Apache CMS Reference](http://www.apache.org/dev/cmsref.html#non-committer) for non-committers. - The Submit button alone does not commit your changes. Use the Quick Commit checkbox. - There is no Cancel button or link; simply close any web page you have open. - Committed changes go to [Staged] but you have to wait for it before you publish. There is a similar delay when you [Publish]. - Use the [Apache CMS Reference](http://www.apache.org/dev/cmsref.html) for anything more. The pages on this website are written in [markdown syntax](http://www.simpleeditions.com/59001/markdown-an-introduction) and stored in SVN at [https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ctakes/site/](https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ctakes/site/). - Tables can be generated however each cell must be a single line of characters (no end of lines). - Tables can include HTML so long as it is all on one line. It is possible to edit, stage and publish website updates from the command line as well. Information on deeper website development is found on the [Website Development](http://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html) page. ###How do I add image or files to a page on this web site? Add the image or document to SVN first. Enter edit mode on any page and click the "ctakes" link (upper-right). Select [Edit] next to *doc/* or *images/*. You must type a name in the *Add New File or Directory:* field first, then press Enter. Upload your file. Use Quick Commit and Sumbit. Stage and publish as you do a web page. Go back to editing the page of interest. Add this code for images and documents respectively: :::markdown ![Enter alt text](images/MyImage.format) [Text for link](docs/MyDoc.format) ###How do I get help from technical people at Apache for problems with our distribution lists or web sites etc? Ultimately you can [issue a ticket](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA) with the Apache infrastructure team, but they have a [web page](http://www.apache.org/dev/infra-contact) for you to decide the best course of action. [1]: http://incubator.apache.org/guides/ppmc.html [2]: http://ctakes.apache.org/mailing-lists.html [3]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/cla-corporate.txt [4]: https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/committers [5]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CTAKES/cTAKES/ [6]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/signup.action [7]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Signup!default.jspa [8]: http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html#note-votes