true side effect annotator Rule-based side effect annotator Mayo Clinic sectionsToIgnore section(s) not used for searching side effect String true false hasPatternOfDrugCauseVerbPse list of CauseVerb used in this rule String true true hasPatternOfPseDueToDrug list of DueTo words used in this rule String true true hasPatternOfDrugDueToPse list of DueTo words used in this rule String true true hasPatternOfDiscontDrugBecausePse list of Discont verbs used in this rule String true true sideEffectWord list of sideEffectWord used in the rules of hasWordOfSideEffect and hasSideEffectAsPse String true true hasPatternOfNotePseWithDrug list of Note verbs used in this rule String true true hasPatternOfDrugMadePse list of Made verbs used in this rule String true true hasPatternOfPseAfterDrug list of After words used in this rule String true true sectionsToIgnore 20101 20106 20109 20110 20111 20114 20117 20121 20123 20126 20127 20129 20130 20136 20138 hasPatternOfDrugCauseVerbPse caused induced resulted yielded causing inducing resulting yielding hasPatternOfPseDueToDrug due to secondary to because of associated with induced by attributed to hasPatternOfDrugDueToPse due to secondary to because of associates with associate with account for accounts for sideEffectWord side effect side effects reaction reactions hasPatternOfNotePseWithDrug noted developed reported described hasPatternOfDrugMadePse made hasPatternOfDiscontDrugBecausePse discontinued tapered decreased stopped hasPatternOfPseAfterDrug after taking after starting true true false sideEffectTable edu.mayo.bmi.uima.core.resource.FileResourceImpl false sideEffectDic dictionary of drug side effect file:sideeffectresources/lookup/sideEffect_dictionary.txt edu.mayo.bmi.uima.core.resource.FileResourceImpl sideEffectTable sideEffectDic