Drug mentions to NERtype system 1.0 Mayo Clinic edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.FrequencyAnnotation The frequency determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.DurationAnnotation The duration determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.RouteAnnotation The route determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation intakeMethod Means by which the drug was taken. uima.cas.String edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.SuffixStrengthAnnotation The suffix portion of dosage strength determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.FractionStrengthAnnotation The fraction portion of dosages strength determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.RangeStrengthAnnotation The range portion of dosages stength determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.DecimalStrengthAnnotation The decimal portion of dosages stength determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.DrugChangeStatusAnnotation The change status of dosages determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation changeStatus Indicates the drug change status of 'stop', 'start', 'increase', 'decrease', or 'noChange'. uima.cas.String edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.DosagesAnnotation The dosage determination for the Drug NER profile. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.StrengthAnnotation Holds the value representing the unit of the drug dosage. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.StrengthUnitAnnotation uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.FrequencyUnitAnnotation The value represents the unit portion of the drug frequency. uima.tcas.Annotation period The periodic unit used, e.g day, month, hour, etc. uima.cas.Float edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.FormAnnotation The value represents the form portion of the drug mention. uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.SubSectionAnnotation uima.tcas.Annotation subSectionBodyBegin Sub-section body begin offset. uima.cas.Integer subSectionBodyEnd Sub-section body end offset. uima.cas.Integer status Status of 'possible', 'history of', or 'family history of'. uima.cas.Integer subSectionHeaderBegin Begin offset of subSection header uima.cas.Integer subSectionHeaderEnd Ending offset of subsection header uima.cas.Integer parentSectionId The section in which the subsection was found. uima.cas.String edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.DrugMentionAnnotation uima.tcas.Annotation status uima.cas.Integer confidence The confidence of the annotation. uima.cas.Float frequency Frequency refers to how often the patient needs to take the drug. Frequency is divided into frequency number and frequency unit. E.g. twice daily uima.cas.String frequencyBegin uima.cas.Integer frequencyEnd uima.cas.Integer duration Duration refers to for how long the patient is expected to take the drug. E.g. 'for 2 weeks' Strongly encouraged to use bold text uima.cas.String durationBegin uima.cas.Integer durationEnd uima.cas.Integer route Medication route refers to the way that a drug is introduced into the body. E.g oral Strongly encouraged to use bold text uima.cas.String routeBegin uima.cas.Integer routeEnd uima.cas.Integer drugChangeStatus Status refers to the whether the medication is currently being taken or not. uima.cas.String dosage Dosage refers to how many of each drug the patient is taking. E.g. 5 mg uima.cas.String dosageBegin uima.cas.Integer dosageEnd uima.cas.Integer strength uima.cas.String strengthBegin uima.cas.Integer strengthEnd uima.cas.Integer strengthUnit uima.cas.String suBegin uima.cas.Integer suEnd uima.cas.Integer form Form refers to the physical appearance of the drug. E.g. cream uima.cas.String formBegin uima.cas.Integer formEnd uima.cas.Integer frequencyUnit uima.cas.String fuBegin uima.cas.Integer fuEnd uima.cas.Integer startDate uima.cas.String reason uima.cas.FSArray changeStatusBegin uima.cas.Integer changeStatusEnd uima.cas.Integer edu.mayo.bmi.uima.drugner.type.ChunkAnnotation uima.tcas.Annotation sentenceID uima.cas.String edu.mayo.bmi.uima.lookup.type.DrugLookupWindowAnnotation Similar to LookupWindowAnnotation however, these annotations are restricted to the segments/sections specified in the parameter - sectionOverrideSet - in DrugCNP2LookupWindow uima.tcas.Annotation edu.mayo.bmi.lookup.type.MetaHeader uima.tcas.Annotation rev_date uima.cas.String start_date uima.cas.String