EmbeddedXmlCasConsumer CasConsumer that dumps JCas Annotation objects as embedded XML markup. 1.0 Mayo outputDir Output directory where embedded XML file will be stored. String false true includeNamespace Flag that determines whether the XML element names will include the fully specified TypeName (e.g. includes namespace) or just the last portion of the TypeName. Boolean false true allowedAnnotations Instead of outputting all JCas annotations, this parameter allows only a subset to be included in the result XML document. Each item in the list should be the fully qualified typename of the annotation. The implicit org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.DocumentAnnotation must be included at a bare minimum. This parameter is optional. If not specified, all JCas annotations will be dumped to the XML doc. String true false outputDir c:\temp\uima\embedded includeNamespace false allowedAnnotations false false