true ArtificialSentenceAnnotator Artificially creates a new SentenceAnnotation object by treating the entire document as a sentence. The offset values from the DocumentAnnotation object are transferred over to the new SentenceAnnotation object. Mayo srcObjClass Source JCas object class. This must be an object that already exists in the JCas. String false true destObjClass Destination JCas object class. A new JCas object will be created. String false true dataBindMap Binds data from source to destination. Format for each entry is the getter method name of the source to the setter method name of the destination. e.g. getMyValue|setMyValue String true true srcObjClass org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.DocumentAnnotation destObjClass org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textspan.Sentence dataBindMap getBegin|setBegin getEnd|setEnd true true false