Apache cTAKES (incubating) =============================== Contents - Requirements - Introduction - Running the clinical documents pipeline - AggregateCdaProcessor.xml for CDA documents conforming to the provided DTD. - AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml for plaintext documents. ############ Requirements ############ Java 1.6 is required to run cTAKES ############ Introduction ############ Detailed documentation can found at: http://incubator.apache.org/ctakes This project is the top-level, main project for processing a clinical document through the entire pipeline, including sentence detection, part of speech tagging, chunking, named entity recognition, context detection, and negation detection. ############################################################################ Running the clinical documents pipeline ############################################################################ The pipeline can process two types of documents - plaintext files - Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) XML files that conform to the DTD provided %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AggregateCdaProcessor.xml for CDA documents conforming to the provided DTD. The file cTAKESdesc/analysis_engine/AggregateCdaProcessor.xml is the aggregate analysis engine to use to run the entire pipeline, including the CdaCasInitialzer analysis engine, which reads CDA documents that conform to the DTD provided, and create Segment annotations based on the sections within the CDA document. Open this file using the Component Descriptor Editor as described in the tutorial. Click on the tab labeled "Aggregate" to observe that the Component Engine Flow (pipeline) defined by this descriptor includes CdaCasInitialzer as the first component. Observe that part of speech tagging (POSTagger) comes before chunking (Chunker), etc. Click on the tab labeled "Parameter Settings" to view the parameters set in this descriptor. The ChunkCreatorClass is set to edu.mayo.bmi.uima.chunker.PhraseTypeChunkCreator so that each phrase type gets its own type of annotation, rather than having all chunks be of type Chunk. The parameters are: - ChunkerCreatorClass - the full class name of an implementation of the interface edu.mayo.bmi.uima.chunker.ChunkerCreator %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml for plaintext documents. The file cTAKESdesc/analysis_engine/AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml is the aggregate analysis engine to use to run the entire pipeline, including the SimpleSegmentAnnotator analysis engine, which creates a Segment annotation that wraps the entire plaintext document. Other annotators in the pipeline require at least 1 Segment annotation. Click on the tab labeled "Parameter Settings" to view the parameters set in this descriptor. The ChunkCreatorClass is set to edu.mayo.bmi.uima.chunker.PhraseTypeChunkCreator so that each phrase type gets its own type of annotation, rather than having all chunks be of type Chunk. The parameters are: - SegmentID - the identifier or name to assign to the Segment annotation - ChunkerCreatorClass - the full class name of an implementation of the interface edu.mayo.bmi.uima.chunker.ChunkerCreator