Contents - Introduction - Requirements - Distribution: List of PEAR files - Distribution: Databases - Installing: PEAR files - Installing: source into Eclipse - Architecture * Classpath dependencies * Individual annotators * Main Pipelines (Aggregate Analysis Engines) * Other aggregate analysis engines * Using CDA section information - segmenting CDA documents into sections ############ Introduction ############ This file documents suggestions, background, guidelines, and principles used in creating this distribution of the Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES). Note: all references to UIMA documentation were written based on version 2.2.2-incubating. ############ Requirements ############ Apache UIMA framework 2.2.2 or later Java 1.5 or later You need to have completed the steps to properly install Apache UIMA 2.2.2 or later, including setting your UIMA_HOME environment variable. Other than the above, third-party jar files and resources required to run the pipeline examples are included with this distribution of cTAKES. Note: Some sample databases are included for running the pipeline examples. After successfully installing the pipeline and running an example, you may want to see "Distribution: Databases" below. Tested on: Windows XP with Java 1.5 and UIMA 2.2.2-incubating Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid) ###################################### Distribution: List of PEAR files ###################################### This distribution includes 9 PEAR files. chunker.pear clinical documents pipeline.pear context dependent tokenizer.pear core.pear dictionary lookup.pear document preprocessor.pear LVG.pear NE contexts.pear POS tagger.pear The 'top-level' PEAR file is 'clinical documents pipeline.pear'. ###################################### Distribution: Databases ###################################### A subset of the LVG database (an HSQL database) is included with the LVG annotator. See the documentation in the LVG annotator for information on replacing the small database with the full LVG database that is available from the Lexical Systems Group. A sample database (a Lucene index) containing a few drug names is included for running the examples. It can be found in the dictionary lookup project. You may want to replace this with a more complete Lucene index or a database created from the UMLS Metathesaurus. See the documentation for the dictionary lookup project. A sample database (2 Lucene indexes) containing a few anatomical sites, procedures, and disorders/diseases is included for running the examples. The Lucene indexes can be found in the dictionary lookup project. You may want to replace them with more complete Lucene indexes or a database created from the UMLS Metathesaurus. See the documentation for the dictionary lookup project. ################################################ Installing: PEAR files ################################################ For proper operation, all the PEAR files in this distribution are expected to be installed into the same parent directory. Each PEAR file in this distribution was built from a single Eclipse project. It's not required to import the source of a PEAR file into an Eclipse project to run the pipeline. For proper operation, all the PEAR files in this distribution are expected to be installed into the same parent directory. For example, if you choose to install the contents of the PEAR files on Windows XP under D:\InformationExtractionSystem\ then the directory structure you see after installing from the PEAR files should be D:\InformationExtractionSystem\chunker D:\InformationExtractionSystem\clinical documents pipeline D:\InformationExtractionSystem\core ... etc. And each of those directories would have a src subdirectory, such as D:\InformationExtractionSystem\chunker\src D:\InformationExtractionSystem\clinical documents pipeline\src D:\InformationExtractionSystem\core\src ... etc. The pipeline is installed using UIMA's PEAR installer tool (runPearInstaller). Using this method, runPearInstaller is used on each PEAR file individually. See Chapter 8, PEAR Installer User's Guide, in the UIMA Tools Guide and Reference, for information about UIMA's PEAR installer (GUI) tool. If you are unable to install from a PEAR file, verify that the PEAR file was downloaded in its entirety. ################################################ Installing: source into Eclipse ################################################ This section assumes the PEAR files you have include source code within them. If you just want the source code, you might try copying the PEAR file to a file with a .zip extension rather than a .pear extension, and unzipping the .zip file. If you have installed from the PEAR files as described above, and the PEAR files contained source, and you would like to import the source into Eclipse Java projects, you could do the following: If the PEAR files did not contain .project and .classpath files, unzip/extract the files from within eclipse_specific.tar or into the same directory used as the destination of the installation of the PEAR files, preserving the directory structure. Before importing, we will define a user library with the name UIMA within Eclipse as follows: Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries -> New -> (type in UIMA) User Libraries -> Add JARs Navigate to UIMA_HOME/lib and select (all) jars from UIMA's lib dir Then import projects into Eclipse as follows: File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into Workspace -> (Next) On the Import popup, verify that Select root directory is selected. Click on the Browse button next to Select root directory, and select the directory where you installed the PEAR files' contents. This populates the Projects pane of the popup with all the projects found. Verify they are all selected (checked). Verify that the Copy projects into workspace checkbox is unchecked. Then click Finish. ################################################ Architecture ################################################ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Classpath dependencies %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some projects (PEAR files) have dependencies on other projects (PEAR files). Projects reference resources in classes in other projects using the classpath. The classpath assumes it can reference other projects through the parent ("..") directory. If you installed the pipeline from the PEAR files, for proper operation, the target of each install is expected to be the same parent directory. If you are running the pipeline from source or building your own PEAR files for your environment, each PEAR file from this distribution is expected to be unzipped under the same parent directory as the other PEAR files included in this distribution. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Individual annotators %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Each PEAR file contains at least one annotator. Each annotator has an xml descriptor for the annotator (the analysis engine), as well as at least one aggregate analysis engine that includes the annotator in an component engine flow (pipeline). For PEAR files that contain multiple annotators, such as 'core', all the annotators within that PEAR file are typically included in a single aggregate analysis engine. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Main Pipelines (Main Aggregate Analysis Engines) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This distribution includes aggregate analysis engine descriptors for the two main pipelines. - one for processing plain text documents. (AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml) - one for processing Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) documents that conform to the included DTD. (AggregateCdaProcessor.xml) These two are found in 'clinical documents processor'. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Other aggregate analysis engines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Annotators often build upon each other. Several of the the annotators rely on annotations created by other annotators. Therefore many projects/PEAR files contain aggregates to create the annotations needed by the given annotator. For example, many annotators require Token annotations; therefore, many of the aggregate analysis engines include the tokenizer in the pipeline flow. These other aggregates are provided mostly for testing and validation purposes. They can be used to produce processing by only part of the pipeline. However, if you have installed the entire pipeline and wish to process documents by just part of the pipeline, you can simply duplicate the appropriate AggregateXxxProcessor.xml in 'clinical documents processor' and modify the delegate flow as desired, leaving out whatever steps you don't need. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Using CDA section information - segmenting CDA documents into sections %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If you have documents in CDA format that conform to the provided DTD, the AggregateCdaProcessor.xml descriptor in clinical documents processor can be used to process the documents through the entire pipeline. Alternatively, AggregatePlaintextProcessor.xml aggregate analysis engine descriptor can be used to run a pipeline for processing plaintext documents. However, the pipeline that takes a CDA document as input has the advantage of being able to segment the document into sections -- and some annotators can be tuned to ignore certain sections. Also, each NamedEntity annotation has an attribute indicating which section the NamedEntity was found in. Note however that the CDA document pipeline does not process all CDA documents - it only handles those that conform to the included DTD. Configuration parameters can be used to limit which sections are annotated by the following annotators when the CDA document pipeline is used * sentence annotator (within core) * tokenizer annotator * LVG annotator Limiting which sections a given annotator processes is accomplished by setting parameter value(s) for the annotator, such as the SegmentsToSkip configurationParameter in TokenizerAnnotator.xml