How to publish the RAT website

  • Make your changes to the site xml and/or .apt files and commit.
  • Buildbot automatically notices the commit and creates a staging site to look at -

    See which is always upto date within a minute of any commit.

  • Need to make changes?, no problem, go back to 1 and 2 as often as you like.
  • Happy with changes and ready to go live?


    mvn site

    then if successful do

    mvn site-deploy

    from your local machine in the root of your RAT checkout, this will scp the site file to /www/ on minotaur (

    If you have issues with 'mvn site' failing try running 'mvn clean' then 'mvn install package' before going back and running 'mvn site' again.

    If you experience an Out of Memory error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when running 'mvn site' try setting 'export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m' or for windows 'set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m' first on the command line (or in your profile) and then try 'mvn site' again. Only when 'mvn site' is successful should you then 'mvn site-deploy'

  • Wait for the hourly site sync to our www machines and the updated site will be live.

Using the CMS

This information is subject to change soon when the project switches to using the Apache CMS system; the current state of the CMS migration can be seen at The site of the original RAT product is still generated by mvn via

mvn site:site

and gets deployed via

mvn site:deploy -Pcms