Title: Draft Board Report Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #Draft Board Reports Like every top level project at The Apache Software Foundation, Apache Creadur regularly reports to the board. Quarterly reports are due in February, May, August and November, together with monthly reports immediately after graduation. The final, official board reports are submitted by the Apache Creadur PMC Chair and are recorded in the board minutes. To help a wider community develop their content, this page contains drafts of these reports. ## August 2012 (Draft) Just a draft: see the board minutes for the canonical version.
    Status report for the Apache Creadur project - AUGUST 2012

    Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source 
    software related to the auditing and comprehension of 
    software distributions. Any language and build system are 
    Project Status
    Creadur graduated from the Apache Incubator in April, 2012.
    Except for tasks performed after the first release as a top
    level project, handover is now complete. 

    We have no issues requiring board attention at the moment.

    Branding and Trademarks
    ApacheCon banners added.  
    Improved documentation to help explain our products to a
    wider audience. A quiet month on the mailing lists.

    We welcomed Philipp Ottlinger as a new committer.

    Still yet to discover a good way to maintain our mix 
    of hand and generated contents in Apache CMS. 

    None (yet). The last release happened while the project was 
    incubating: RAT 0.8 released in November 2011.

    We hope to cut the first release of Apache Whisker very 

    Community Objectives
    * Release Apache Whisker 0.1
    * Continue to improve documentation

## July 2012 (Draft) Just a draft: see the board minutes for the canonical version.
    Status report for the Apache Creadur project - JULY 2012

    Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source 
    software related to the auditing and comprehension of 
    software distributions. Any language and build system are 
    Project Status
    Creadur graduated from the Apache Incubator in April, 2012.
    Except for tasks performed after the first release as a top
    level project, handover is now complete. 

    We have no issues requiring board attention at the moment.

    Branding and Trademarks
    The site has now been checked and updated against the 
    branding policy. In particular:
      * Project Website Basics
      * Website Navigation Links
      * Trademark Attributions
      * Logos and Graphics
      * Project Metadata
      * Read PMC Branding Responsibilities 
    Interest seems to be slowly building, which is encouraging.
    We hope to focus on continuing to improve the documentation
    and creating a first release for Apache Whisker.

    We are still trying to discover the best way to maintain 
    a mix of subsites generated by and hand maintained content
    in Apache CMS. Thanks to Infrastructure for their help
    and advice.

    None (yet). The last release happened while the project was 
    incubating: RAT 0.8 released in November 2011.

    We hope to cut the first release of Apache Whisker very 

    Community Objectives
    * Improve quantity of documentation on site
    * Release Apache Whisker 0.1

## June 2012 (Draft) Just a draft: see the board minutes for the canonical version.
    Status report for the Apache Creadur project - JUNE 2012
    Apache Creadur creates and maintains a suite of open source 
    software related to the auditing and comprehension of 
    software distributions. Any language and build system are 
    Project Status
    Creadur graduated from the Apache Incubator in April, 2012.
    The handover has been very slow going, but is very nearly
    complete. Thanks to the infrastructure team for their help.
     * New Chair tasks (subscriptions, update officers, etc)
     * Reporting schedule
     * PMC bootstrap tasks
     * Transfer source
     * Transfer mailing lists
     * Update issue tracker
     * Infra tasks
     * Transfer website
     * Update incubator records
    Pending Next Release (as per guidelines)
     * Distribution mirrors

    * Creadur needs to rebuild momentum and to attract new 
      contributors. Our first steps will be website 
      improvements and the first release of Apache Whisker 
      (see below). 
    * Thanks to the infra team for a smooth handover
    * Our website uses the CMS, and is ready for svnsubpub. The 
      community is still discussing the best approach towards 
      maintaining content generated by Maven.  

    None (yet). The last release happened while the project was 
    incubating: RAT 0.8 released in November 2011.

    We hope to cut the first release of Apache Whisker very 
    soon. This tool generates and audits licensing information
    from meta-data. Helpful for applications assembled from 100s 
    of components, such as Apache James Server.

    Branding and Trademarks
    Currently our website doesn't conform to all requirements. 
    In particular the product subsites need more work. 

    Community Objectives
    * Improve impact and visibility of site, and bring the site fully 
      into line with the branding guidelines
    * Release Apache Whisker 0.1