About Apache Rat™ ================ Rat audits software distributions, with a special interest in headers. If this isn't quite what you're looking for then take a look at the other products developed by Apache Creadur™, including Apache Whisker™ which audits and generates legal (for example LICENSE) documents for complex software distributions. Running from the Command Line ----------------------------- Run from the command line with: java -jar apache-rat-${project.version}.jar --help This will output a help message detailing the command line options available to you. Adding license headers ---------------------- Rat can be used to automatically add license headers to files that do not currently have them. Only files that are not excluded by the Rat configurations will be affected. To add license headers use a command such as: java -jar apache-rat-${project.version}.jar --addlicense --copyright "Copyright 2008 Foo" --force /path/to/project This command will add the license header directly to the source files. If you prefer to see which files will be changed and how then remove the "--force" option. Using multiple excludes from a file It is common to use the Rat with the maven or ant plugins and specify a series of files to exclude (such as a README or version control files). If you are using the Rat application instead of a plugin you can specify a series of regex excludes in a file and specify that with the -E option. java -jar apache-rat-${project.version}.jar -E /path/to/project/.rat-excludes -d /path/to/project Command Line Options ==================== usage: java rat.report [options] [DIR|TARBALL] Options -A,--addLicense Add the default license header to any file with an unknown license that is not in the exclusion list. By default new files will be created with the license header, to force the modification of existing files use the --force option. -a,--addlicense Add the default license header to any file with an unknown license that is not in the exclusion list. By default new files will be created with the license header, to force the modification of existing files use the --force option. -c,--copyright The copyright message to use in the license headers, usually in the form of "Copyright 2008 Foo" -d,--dir Used to indicate source when using --exclude -E,--exclude-file Excludes files matching regular expression in Note that --dir is required when using this parameter. -e,--exclude Excludes files matching wildcard . Note that --dir is required when using this parameter. Allows multiple arguments. -f,--force Forces any changes in files to be written directly to the source files (i.e. new files are not created) -h,--help Print help for the Rat command line interface and exit -s,--stylesheet XSLT stylesheet to use when creating the report. Not compatible with -x -x,--xml Output the report in raw XML format. Not compatible with -s