Release Audit Tool ================== Apache RAT is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF. Release Audit Tool (RAT) is a tool to improve accuracy and efficiency when checking releases. It is heuristic in nature: making guesses about possible problems. It will produce false positives and cannot find every possible issue with a release. It's reports require interpretation. RAT was developed in response to a need felt in the Apache Incubator to be able to review releases for the most common faults less labour intensively. It is therefore highly tuned to the Apache style of releases. RAT is intended to be self documenting: reports should include introductory material describing their function. Building RAT describes how to run RAT. Running RAT describes the options available. These release notes describe the current state of RAT. A good way to use RAT is to through the source. This allows the code base to be easily patched for example to add new generated file matchers. The main jar is runnable and self-documenting. This jar is available as a standard alone binary. RAT includes a task library for Ant 1.7. This allows RAT reports to be run against a wide variety of resources. See ant-task-examples.xml. To use the Ant tasks, Apache Ant 1.7 is required. See Projects using Maven are directed to the RAT plugin In response to demands from project quality tool developers, RAT is available as a library (rat-lib jar) suitable for inclusion in tools. Note that binary compatibility is not gauranteed between 0.x releases. The XML output format is not yet in it's final form and so library users are recommended to either use the supplied stylesheets or keep in close touch with the code. RAT is in Incubation at Apache: Artifacts ========= rat-0.5.1.jar combines the application (java -jar rat-0.5.1.jar) and Antlib rat-lib-0.5.1.jar is a library distribution aimed at tool makers * Support for TMF header * Comprehend PEM, CRL file endings After 0.5.1 =========== * Added reporting capability to recursive rat script * Moved to the Incubator@Apache RAT 0.5.1 ========= * Fixed file closing bug * Fixed XML bad character bug RAT 0.5 ======= * Added header matcher for DoJo. * Refactoring existing codebase to separate concerns and use resource pipeline. * New header matching library. RAT 0.4.1 ========= RAT 0.4.1 is the first release with distributions. The release was cut for this purpose. RAT 0.4.1 Notes =============== * Created POM for use with RAT library. * Ant task switched to use Xml based report. RAT 0.4 Notes ============= * Ant tasks added. These allow RAT reports to be run against a wide variety of resources from within Ant. * Legacy report is now deprecated. It will be removed before the next release. * Created stylesheet for xml reports which produce output similar to the legacy plain text report. Application now uses the xml report with that stylesheet. * Revised xml output format * Improve support for binary recognition by adding code that tastes files RAT 0.3 Notes ============= * This is the last release with the original hacked together plain test report. The new XML reporting code is present but is not yet the default. * RAT 0.3 is the first release with release notes. All previous releases are now consigned to Ancient History. No record of them will be found here.