
The following releases of Apache CouchDB are available for download.

Current Releases




This release contains backwards incompatible changes.

  • General performance improvements.
  • View index generation speedups.
  • Even more robust storage format.
  • Native Erlang Views for high-performance applications.
  • More robust push and pull replication.
  • Two-legged OAuth Support for applications and replication (three legged in preparation).
  • Cookie Authentication.
  • API detail improvements.
  • Better RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) compliance.
  • Added modular configuration file directories.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to build, system integration, and portability.




  • Various bug fixes for the build system, configuration, statistics reporting, database core, external handlers, Futon interface, HTTP interface, JavaScript View Server and replicator.




This release contains backwards incompatible changes.

  • Modular configuration.
  • Performance enhancements for document and view access.
  • More resilient replication process.
  • Replication streams binary attachments.
  • Administrator role and basic authentication.
  • Document validation functions in design documents.
  • Show and list functions for rendering documents and views as developer controlled content-types.
  • External process server module.
  • Attachment uploading from Futon.
  • Etags for views, lists, shows, document and attachment requests.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to build, system integration, and portability.




  • Various bug fixes for replication, compaction, the HTTP interface and the Javascript View Server.




This release contains backwards incompatible changes.

  • Changed core licensing to the Apache Software License 2.0.
  • Refactoring of the core view and storage engines.
  • Added support for incremental map/reduce views.
  • Changed database file format.
  • Many improvements to Futon, the web administration interface.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to system integration and portability.
  • Swapped out Erlang’s inets HTTP server for the Mochiweb HTTP server.
  • SpiderMonkey is no longer included with CouchDB, but rather treated as an external dependency.
  • Added bits of awesome.

Verifying Releases

When downloading from a mirror please check the MD5 and SHA checksums as well as verifying the OpenPGP compatible signature available from the main Apache site. The KEYS file contains the public keys used for signing release. It is recommended that a web of trust is used to confirm the identity of these keys.

You can check the OpenPGP signature with:

gpg --verify apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz.asc

You can check the MD5 checksum with:

md5sum --check apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz.md5

You can check the SHA checksum with:

sha1sum --check apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz.sha